Monday, May 1, 2017

Protecting and Defending Our Constitution

I am deeply disturbed by d.j[ackass] trump's statement that our Constitution is “a very rough system. It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country”.  Every American citizen should be upset by this statement.  We all should take personal affront.  We should all be extremely insulted and concerned about this putz's sanity.  I can't imagine a statement or action that proves more clearly that trump is  unfit for the office he has assumed.  

I believe, deep in my bones, in every molecule of my body, that trump does not want to be the administrator of our country.  I believe this child, at age 70, is throwing temper tantrum after temper tantrum.  Just as with operant conditioning, this guy is attempting to gain reinforcement for his behavior.  The reinforcement is for whatever he wants at the moment.  When a subject does not receive the reinforcement it is looking for, the behavior becomes stronger and stronger in order to attain the desired reinforcement. I think d.j[ackass] wants out.

trump took an oath on January 20th that ended by saying "to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States".  If this is the best of his ability, then my assumption that dirt is smarter than trump is true.  Furthermore his statement neither protects or defends our Constitution.  In fact, and I mean fact, it is an attack on our Constitution!  

With this in mind, it occurred to me that what trump said may very well be treasonous.  I looked up what constitutes treason in our country.  I found the following:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Now, I'm not sure that a case can be made for "adhering to [our] Enemies", but as far as I'm concerned he "Aide[ed] and Comfort[ed]" them when he made this comment.  

This afternoon, while taking my walk, I called the Philadelphia office of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).  As I pointed out in the message I left, I don't know if pursuing my concerns is their bailiwick, but I would like to know if this is something that they can become involved in.  I then called one of my state Senators, Democrat Bob Casey.  I left a message demanding that Congress move forward with the process of requesting an Independent Prosecutor.  

Lastly, I called my representative in the House, Brian Fitzpatrick, a republican.  I had a fairly long discussion with a male aide that answered the phone.  He wanted to know exactly what I wanted from Fitzpatrick.  He pretended (as far as I'm concerned) to not understand why I was demanding an Independent Prosecutor.  I gave him very specific reasons that included the Emoluments clause in our Constitution, the Nepotism law that became law in the late 1960s, the need to investigate ties with Russia which is obviously a partisan issue in both houses of Congress, the need for an Independent Prosecutor to subpoena trump's tax returns which would go a long way towards confirming or discrediting the theory that trump has outstanding loans with official Russian banks, that the Independent prosecutor has the latitude to investigate whatever she or he sees fit to investigate.  Then this aide told me that appointing an Independent prosecutor was in the hands of the FBI.   I explained to him that a majority of the minority members of the Judicial Committee of either house can start the process of having an Independent Prosecutor being assigned simply by writing a letter of request to the Department of Justice.  This silenced him.  

An idea struck me.  I need to be in D.C. on Wednesday the 10th, but not until early in the evening.  I told Fitzpatrick's aide that I will be glad to speak with the Congressman.  He told me I could stop by the office whenever I wanted to.  Now, I'm not so foolish as to think that I'm will actually be given
the immense privilege of meeting with my representative, but I'll certainly become better acquainted with his staff by hanging out in his waiting room for a few hours.

What trump said to Fox News about our Constitution is not okay. The more of us that speak out in one way or another, the louder this message will be.  Below are links for Senate and House representative's contact information.

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