Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Bully for Dark Humor

I ......... am a proponent of dark humor.  I am a purveyor of dark humor.  I have made jokes about death for most of my life.  Jokes about the death of my family members and jokes about my eventual death.   So, it should come as no surprise that I find the photo shoot that was released today by the comedian, Kathy Griffin funny.  I can see how most will find the photo over the top, but I have no issues with it.  And I am clear about my reasons.

When I was young, I was bullied for many years and by many people.  I have the pictures to prove it.  I carry them with me every day.  Some days I view the pictures with more clarity than others, but they're always there, right there in my mind's eye.  I'm willing to bet that most people who were bullied can say the same thing.  I also know how a felt after each incident.  I was filled with fear, shame, anger at the perpetrator, anger at myself for not being tough enough, anger for those that watched passively or cheered the bully on.  The overriding feeling I had though, was that what I wanted more than anything else at that moment was ............ you guessed it, revenge.  I could visualize what I wanted to do to this person who bullied me and it wasn't pretty.

I felt all of these  feelings, because I'm human and like it or not these are all human feelings.  Judeo-Christian ethics preach peace, and I certainly agree with that philosophy and have said so in my writings.  Another course that Judea-Christianity would have us, we humans, walk, is to not have violent, gruesome thoughts.  This I do not agree with.  The reason is simply as humans, we do have these type of thoughts.  There just isn't any way around it.  That is part of what being human is.  I do not believe in acting on violent or vengeful thoughts.  In fact, I believe that suppressing those types of thoughts increases the possibility of a person acting on them.  In order to act and respond in a responsible way, we need to be aware. conscious of the feelings driving our actions.  To suppress is to keep feelings in the realm of the sub-conscious, where we can act on them and not even know we are doing so.

Bill .......... what the hell are you rambling on about?  Just this.  I suspect that many comedians were targets of, victims of bullies when they were young.  I believe that many comedians have and as part of their profession use dark humor as a way to work through these deep wounds that may have been placed in the child of their being and need expression as adults when bullies are encountered.  I don not know if this is true, but I'm willing to bet it is, and I am not a betting man.

With this in mind, I speculate that Kathy Griffin may have run into a bully or two in her lifetime.  They may have been males who harassed her as trump proposed he had carte blanche to do to any woman.  Maybe I'm wrong, but again, I bet not.  And therefore I present the following and say 'bully for you Kathy'.


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