Wednesday, May 10, 2017

trump Fires Comey

Well, just when you thought that all the horse shit in the world had been thrown into the fan by trump and his putzes, we find out we were wrong.  d.j[ackass] trump is the horse that keeps on giving.  By The way, blame the White House Press office for the out of plum copy of trump's letter.  It makes me queasy to look at it.

For the record, I do not respect James Comey.  That being said, I do not believe Comey was or is bought by anyone.  Strange that this firing occurs the day after the Yates  / Clapper testimony.  Too much heat?  Well firing Comey will only bring more heat.  Comey is now free to speak to issues openly.  He has knowledge and is no longer bound by being a federal employee

I started to look around for how Washington is responding to this latest crap and found so much, I have to limit what I report.

Angus King, an independent Senator from Maine is calling for an independent prosecutor.  King is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.  He even, tongue in cheek, suggested that maybe Comey should lead the Senate investigation.  I believe that Comey will be of more value as a witness and i also believe that there is no possible way for Comey to be non-prejudicial regarding trump due to being fired by trump.

Justin Amash, a Republican from Michigan and a member of the ultra conservative House Freedom Caucus, is looking "reviewing legislation to establish an independent commission on Russia.”

Justin Amash

My staff and I are reviewing legislation to establish an independent commission on Russia. The second paragraph of [trump's] letter is bizarre. …

Richard Burr, a Republican from North Carolina and chair of the Senate intelligence Committee, said he was “troubled by the timing and reasoning” of the decision.

Not one of the above is a Democrat.  Of course this story wouldn't be complete without some further idiocy from team trump.  I found it .......... interesting ............... that after a long period of silence, goebbels-conway was trotted out to open he mouth and say nothing. I listened to her interview on CNN and although she tripped all over herself, the basic gist was that Comey's firing had nothing to do with Russia.  She wasn't very convincing.

******* Please excuse my brevity, I have the flu, I'm at work and I have to drive to D.C to help my son move out of the Dorm for the summer.  I appreciate your understanding ************************

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