Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Comic Relief

****** Dear readers, had this ready to go yesterday afternoon, but forgot to proof read and post.  Sorry.

About a week ago, my mind was wandering and the thought popped up in my head that trump needs a vacation (and as I'm writing this I'm recognizing that I need a vacation from trump).  And what came to mind was that he should take a hunting vacation down in Texas for quail with Dick Cheney.  Okay, enough said.  Then the funny thing was, I watched Louis Black's show that he shot (no pun intended) at The Warner Theater in D.C. in 2006, titled Red, White and Screwed.  He launches into a bit by saying 'so, Dick Cheyney'.  The audience cracks up (and so do I) and he responds 'I don't need to say another thing, we understand each other'.

It was hilarious how a show that was obviously dated to the G.W. Bush administration was now relevant eleven years later.  Black pointed out how hard it was to keep up with events at that point in time and of course demonstrated his frustration that every time he worked through three issues that ten new ones popped up.  Well...........how do you think he feels now.

Then I thought, 'oh shit, if I post this about trump going hunting with Cheyney, I'll get a knock on my door'.

Knock knock knock (as opposed to knock knock) ............. William Sherman?
Cone with us please sir.  You're under arrest for threatening the life of the president.
We don't have a president.  Don't be silly.
You wrote that trump should go hunting with Dick Cheyney in a blog?
That is a threat, sir.  Dick Cheyney is a known dangerous weapon.  Come with us sir.

Another thing that Black addressed in his routine, that was no longer dated just to the Bush years was the idea of a boarder wall.  'Hell, they can't even build a levee in New Orleans, how in the hell are they going to build a wall 700 miles long?'  'And then it will take Congress five years to decide what color to paint it.'

I've been keeping up with the idiot while he's over seas.  he was played as a fool in Saudi Arabia, as far as I'm concerned.  They fed his ego, as though he was the big white buana come to save them.  And you could see it on his face, he sucked it right up, like a good milk shake through the straw.  Next he goes to Israel and makes the huuuuuuuge claim that he's going to make the "ultimate deal" and bring peace between the Palestinians and Israel.  What frikin' planet is d[is] j[ackass] living on?

I'm probably pre-mature with this post, because i won't squeeze in the hilarity he will cause when visiting with the Pope.  I'll report on it after it happens.  I can't wait.  I'm sure that whatever the calamity will be, the Pope will handle it like the gentleman that he is.

One more therapeutic exercise I do for myself, every night is to watch Steven Colbert.  Somehow, I suspect that most of you keep up with Steven also.  He has helped me keep my wits about me, by turning angry energy into laughter.  Thank you Mr. Colbert.

The deal is, humor is where you find it.  It certainly helps that we now have a special counsel investigating trump and that trump is out of the country, but even through the trials and upset of the past four months I have worked to take care of myself and see humor in d' j[ackass].  Maybe for the purpose of this post, I'll label him d. j[ester].

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