Saturday, May 13, 2017

Begging Forgiveness

No, not trump.  Get serious.  Me.

Yesterday and today have been so packed for me (how packed were they Bill?).  If I was a ten pound bag, there would be 90 pounds of crap that didn't make it into the bag.  I'm not going to bore you with the details, just suffice it to say that life happens, and it happened so much that I simply had no time to post yesterday and only have these few minutes today to beg your forgiveness.

Two days after d.j[ackass] was elected I made a commitment to myself and to you, my faithful readers, to post every day.  I have been late many times, and went on a smalll vacation about a month ago, but this is the first time I just didn't have the time to post, even to excuse myself like I did when I took that vacation.

I am sorry.  I;m confident that you can see my efforts, and so I won't beat myself up.  Tomorrow is a new day and I'll be digging in again to the maelstrom of a mess that is trump (especially this past week).

Thanks for your understanding.

With Love,


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