Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Sally Yates Part II

**********Late post due to being pretty darn sick with the flu.  Sorry **********

Yesterday, as I pointed out, Sally Yates testified at a Senate judiciary sub committee along with former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. The result was nothing new, just that what these two former officials have consistently said is now 'on the record'.

So.......for the record.............Yates testified that six days after the inauguration, on January 26th  she called White House counsel, Donald McGahn, regarding “a very sensitive matter” that they could discuss only in person. Later that day, at the White House, she warned McGahn that White House officials were making statements “that we knew not to be the truth.” Ms. Yates said she explained to McGahn how she knew flynn’s statements were untrue, though she did not go into details during the hearing due to concerns about sensitive information.

On January 27th, during a second meeting with Ms. Yates, McGahn asked “Why does it matter to D.O.J. if one White House official lies to another White House official?” 

Yates replied that this was not simply a 'political' concern. She pointed out that intelligence services are always looking for leverage against foreign officials. If flynn lied to his bosses, and Russian officials knew it (which they most certainly did), then they could use it as leverage against him.  Mr Clapper supported this by noting that “this is a classic technique [Russia] would use going back to the Soviet era.” 

Yates also testified that when McGahn asked for underlying evidence, she explained to him where he could see that evidence.

There of course was more testimony and some of it was nasty from the Republicans and partisan from members of both parties.  That is the nature of politics and I see no reason to address this type of behavior.  What I would note is that to me, McGahn's tone seems to be one of arrogance and defensiveness when he allegedly said, “Why does it matter to D.O.J. if one White House official lies to another White House official?”   The way I hear this in my mind's ear is 'this is not your business, buzz off'.  

Now that both Yates's and Clapper's testimony is part of the public record, let's see how trump and his schmucks react, because react they surely will.  First twit is as follows

My response, when he stops going to Florida on the tax payers $6 million per weekend to play golf.

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