Monday, May 8, 2017

Sally Yates

Today, Sally Yates, the former Acting Attorney General who was fired by trump in the beginning of his administration, will be testifying before a Senate sub-committee.  This will bring back to the fore the ....... bum da da da .......... 'The Russia Story'!!  Of course this presents d. j[ackass] with an opportunity to do what he loves best ....... twitting (not tweeting ..... twitting).

Does this idiot really believe that in the end, his feeble attempts to influence these investigations will be effective.  He gets his rocks off by being a twit and twitting, but like many humans, he doesn't understand the value of long term goals and finds immediate gratification as what he values.  Twitting is immediate gratification.  Poor choice, as most adults learn as they grow older.

I have been making it a conscious point to not read trump's twits, but they were placed right in front of me today, so I'll take this opportunity to analyze his twitisisms (oh look.... a new word) and rip them apart.

Donald J. Trump

When will the Fake Media ask about the Dems dealings with Russia & why the DNC wouldn't allow the FBI to check their server or investigate?
7:15 AM - 7 May 2017

Hey, idiot .......who cares.  The "Dems" are not in power.  You and the Republicans are in power.  Let's say some bully in another school finds out some crap about baron trump and gives it to a bully in baron's school who doesn't like baron.  Let's further say that this gives the bully in baron's school information that enables him to beat up baron.  Now the school newspaper wants to know what that information was.  For some strange reason, call it intuition, I don't think baron's telling the school newspaper anything.  He's already had the crap beat out of him.  Why should he divulge anything if he doesn't have to.  It's not the best analogy, but you catch my drift.

Donald J. Trump

General Flynn was given the highest security clearance by the Obama Administration - but the Fake News seldom likes talking about that.
7:57 AM - 8 May 2017

Waaaaaaaaaaahhhh!  But Daddyyyyyyy, Johnny did it.  You know....... my father would say to me, "if Johnny stuck his head in a furnace, would you do it?"  So, again, you're the person in power.  Just because President Obama made a mistake (he is human after all), does that mean you have to make the same error.  Especially when President Obama advised you not to appoint flynn, knowing the mistake he had made.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Counsel.

If, and there is nothing that leads me to believe that this is anything more than an 'if', if Sally Yates spoke to the press about classified information, that is a separate issue.   It does not sully the facts, It simply would mean that Yates may pay a price for taking the action that she knew was the right and only path left to her, as a patriotic citizen of our country.  

The fact that trump hired flynn along with the fact that Sally Yates advised the White House Counsel that flynn had been speaking with the Russian Ambassador  in ways that were suspect at best and illegal at worst, does not change.  The fact that the White House Counsel ignored the Acting Attorney General's advice does not change.  The fact that the FBI and the CIA have both declared that they are confident that Russia meddled in our election does not change.  The fact that we need and must have an Independent Prosecutor assigned to investigate possible trump ties to Russia, both in his campaign and financially (since he remains involved in his businesses)  does ....... not ........ change!!

Tomorrow ........ Sally Yates Part II.  

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