Monday, May 15, 2017

Where do We Go From Here?

The drum beat is getting louder and is not abating.  trump is behaving as though he can not only wait out the storm, but can stir the pot without incurring any consequences that he does not want.  I must admit, I have sometimes thought that trump wants to be impeached.  That he doesn't want the job he currently has.  It is certainly a conclusion that can be reached when adding up all of his behavior.

Over the coming days and weeks, I will be monitoring the escalating collective voice calling for an independent  investigation of trump, which is the only way that will be trusted by all Americans.  The calls for an independent committee, counsel, investigator, prosecutor, what ever you may want to call it, are being lodged from all quarters.

At a meeting of Democratic state Attorneys General in Oregon last week, the group authored, signed and sent a letter to Rod Rosenstein calling for the immediate appointment of an independent special counsel to investigate Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election. The letter notes that “As prosecutors committed to the rule of law, we urge you to consider the damage to our democratic system of any attempts by the administration to derail and delegitimize the investigation.”   The letter calls Director Comey's firing by trump during his ongoing investigation “a violation of the public trust.”  The states represented by the signatures on the letter are Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Iowa, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont and Washington.  

John McCain is on record as saying he is “disappointed in [trump's] decision”.   He also noted that trump's behavior has  bolstered the case “for a special congressional committee to investigate Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.”

Richard  Burr a Republican from North Carolina and chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee reported that “[he is] troubled by the timing and reasoning of Jim Comey’s termination”. Mr. Burr said in a statement, "[It] further confuses an already difficult investigation by our committee,”  and added that Mr. Comey had been “more forthcoming with
information” than any of his predecessors.

The Democratic vice chairman of the Senate intell panel, Mark Warner of Virginia, said in a brief interview that Mr. Comey’s firing “means the Senate Intelligence investigation has to redouble its efforts, has to speed up its timeline, because we’ve got real questions about the rule of law.”

California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein renewed her call for the appointment of a special prosecutor and said trump's startling decision to fire Comey now is “beyond surprising.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told reporters, last Tuesday, "I have said from the get-go that I think a special prosecutor is the way to go, but now with what's happened it is the only way to go." 

Another report I read quoted Senator McCain from a statement he released saying "I have long called for a special congressional committee to investigate Russia's interference in the 2016 election  [trump's] decision to remove the FBI Director only confirms the need and the urgency of such a committee."
Again, from a CNBC online posting, Senator Burr, is reported as saying in his statement that he considered the fired FBI director "to be a public servant of the highest order.  Director Comey has been more forthcoming with information than any FBI Director I can recall in my tenure on the congressional intelligence committees. His dismissal, I believe, is a loss for the Bureau and the nation." 

Republican Representative Justin Amash, from Michigan, serves on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.   Representative Amash is a member of the very conservative Freedom Caucus.  In a tweet (which as I have said is a poor method of legitimate communication, but it's what I've got) said:

Justin Amash

My staff and I are reviewing legislation to establish an independent commission on Russia. The second paragraph of [trump's] letter [firing Comey] is bizarre. …
7:37 PM - 9 May 2017
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, from South Carolina, while on NBC's Meet the Press this past Sunday gave some advice to d. j[ackass]; “[he] advise[d] the president not to tweet about the investigation going forward.”   He continued on this subject when he pointed out that “if there are tapes of [Comey’s conversations with Trump]", especially related to the Russia investigation, “they need to be turned over. You can’t be cute about tapes. He needs to back off here.”

Even Breitbart is jumping on the band wagon.  I found the following headline:
Lindsey Graham: Trump Needs to ‘Back Off’ Russian Investigation, Stop Tweeting
And the final drum beat for today, a reprint of a portion of an open letter from the editorial staff of the New York Times to Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.  Proceeding this excerpt, the Times had nothing but praise for Rosenstein and grieved his manipulation by trump:

You have one choice: Appoint a special counsel who is independent of both the department and the White House. No one else would have the standing to assure the public it is getting the truth. While a handful of Republican senators and representatives expressed concern at Mr. Comey’s firing, there is as yet no sign that the congressional investigations into Russian interference will be properly staffed or competently run. And Americans can have little faith that the Justice Department, or an F.B.I. run by [m]r. [t]rump’s handpicked replacement, will get to the bottom of whether and how Russia helped steal the presidency for [m]r. [t]rump.

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