Thursday, May 4, 2017

I'll Admit When I've Got IT Wrong

This post was written on 5/3/17, but I forgot to post.  Better late than never.  :-)

Earlier this week, I brought up trump's attack on our Constitution in two postings. I got it wrong. he didn't trash our Constitution directly, he attacked the rules of the House and the Senate. his attack was a side swipe. The Constitution clearly states that "Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings" in Article 1, Section 5.

The following is the complete transcript of the portion of the interview that is relevant to this discussion, that trump had  in an interview with Martha MacCallum, of Fox news:

trump: We don’t have a lot of closers in politics and I understand why. It’s a very rough system, it’s an archaic system. You look at the rules of the Senate, even the rules of the House, the rules of the Senate and some of the things you have to go through, it’s really a bad thing for the country in my opinion.

There are archaic rules and maybe at some point, we’re going to have to take those rules on because for the good of the nation things are going to have to be different. You can’t go through a process like this. It’s not fair, it forces you to make bad decisions. I mean, if you’re forced into doing things that you would normally not do except for these archaic rules, so —

[MARTHA] MACCALLUM: Like what, how would you change them?

trump: Well, you know, you look at the voting and you look at the filibuster system. And it used to be. You know, I always thought of filibuster where you stand up and you talk all day and then somebody else–

MACCALLUM: You don’t have to do that anymore.

trump: No, you don’t have to do it anymore. Today you say filibuster guys sit home and they watch television or whatever they do. I think, you know, the filibuster concept is not a good concept to start off with but if you’re going to filibuster, let somebody stand up for 20 hours and talk and do what they have to do or even if they are reading comic books to everybody, let them do it but honestly, the whole with so many bad concepts in our rules and it’s forcing bad decisions. I really see. I see just — I’ve seen this — I’ve seen it over the years where bad decisions are made, decisions that nobody wanted are made because of archaic rules and that’s something that I think we’re going to have to change.

Okay........first of all d. j[ackass] can "think" all he wants.  his problem is there isn't much there to think with.  Secondly here is where his side swipe occurs.  Article 2 of our Constitution deals with the powers and responsibilities of the position of president.

   - section 1 deals with who can be president and how that person can become President
   - section 2, with military and negotiating powers and limitations
   - section 3 speaks to accountability to Congress and very limited powers that the President may exercise over Congress.  The only brief mention of a president having some limited ability to direct Congress what to do resides in this section and reads as follows:

"recommend to their [congress's] Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper"

   - section 4 is short and sweet:

"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

That's it!!!!!!  The only portion of the president's responsibilities that places she or he in the position to get the rules of the House or the Senate changed is the clause that reads, "recommend to their [congress's] Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient".  Now if I'm a Congressman or a Senator, I'm thinking that for the president to attempt to dictate the rules by which I and my colleagues operate by is a HUUUUUUUUGE crossing of boundaries.  No way am I letting the positionn of president usurp powers that were directly given to my branch of government In Article 1, Section 5 of our Constitution.  Oooooooooops, I forgot, as far as I'm concerned, trump is an administrator, therefore maybe he thinks that Article 2, Section 3  doesn't apply to him.  Maybe he doesn't think, in his very limited way, that our Constitution applies to him at all.

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