Friday, May 19, 2017

If he Smells Like a Witch ...........

........ and he walks like a witch, and he talks like a witch, then ......... you guessed it, he's a witch.

Now let's be clear, there are no laws that make being a witch illegal.  But ....... if the witch has broken laws, then we need to hunt for the witch and prosecute his ass.  As I start to think about witches, I make note in my mind that witches are usually pretty clever, what with their spells and all.  So as witches go, he is not the brightest penny in the stack.  Yes, some of his spells and incantations worked on some people, but those spells are wearing off, and only the most susceptible seem to still remain under his control.  The latest Gallop poll has him with a 38% approval rating.  The spell that he cast on election day in 2016 showed that he had 46.1% of voters drinking his kool-aid.  He's loosing his grip.

trump has screwed himself. No one has screwed him. trump has begged to be hunted, if we want to call it that. When someone commits a crime and then eludes the grasp of the law, we call that a man-hunt, and so this is what we have, in essence. 

The phrase "witch hunt" is very charged in our country for obvious reasons. We go back to the shameful Salem witch trials in the late 1600's in Salem Massachusetts. From February 1692 and May 1693, the trials resulted in twenty executions, fourteen of them women. Five others (including two infant children) died in prison.  The estimated population of Salem and the surrounding countryside was approximately 2,000 with an estimated 500 to 600 in the village.  Twenty five deaths out of 2,000 is a lot.  In fact, if I can make a joke in bad taste, it is huuuuuuuuge.

And then there were the McCarthy Senate hearings between April 1954 and June 1954.  Again, many people paid very serious consequences, although thankfully none were put to death.

Both of these "witch hunts" were the result of irrational fear.  Both had multiple casualties.  trump is a single person and must have an ego even larger than I thought to equate himself with being the same as large groups of people who suffered terribly.  

We do not have irrational fear here.  What we do have here are well documented reasons to investigate whether d. j[ackass] has broken the law.  If trump has broken any laws, then he will bear no greater punishment then, removal from office.  Compared to what the consequences a commoner would receive, he will get off, basically, scott free. Obstruction of justice?  usually jail time.  Treason?  Well these days, a citizen would probably not hang, but certainly would receive jail time. All trump will get is his name sullied in the history books.  And, he is the person who will have sullied it, nobody else.

To paraphrase trumpy boy, I too, am looking forward to the conclusion of this ugly period in our country's history.  But, I do not want it to be speedy.  I want it done well with no stone left un-turned.  I want the "facts" to speak for themselves.  If he has committed a crime, then he needs to swing (non-violently).

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