Thursday, May 4, 2017

Birds of a Feather ..........

Trump Tower Manila
                                           [ch]ump Tower Manila Noel Celis / Getty

Forbes has an article on line that discusses the Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte.  d. j[ackass] has invited him to the White House.  Just a little background on Duterte.  He has openly ordered Philippine law enforcement to kill drug dealers and users.  He has told our country that he no longer wants to be allies with the U.S.  I agree with the Forbes article that Duterte is proving to be a "thorn in [our] side", due to his erratic behavior and outrageous public pronouncements (sound like someone we are familiar with?).  The title of the Forbes article is Trump's White House Invitation To Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte: Foolish Or Forward Thinking?  By the end of the article,  the answer is not explicitly clear, but seems to come down on the side of "foolish".   But here is what the article does not address.......the elephant in the room.

What Elephant is that Bill?  (In my finest Louis Black).......trump has frikin' properties in the Philippines!!  So, let's say somebody asks trumpy boy if he's going to discuss his private Philippine business with Duterte.  And let's imagine that he gives an answer.  Do you, or anyone in their right mind believe that the answer will be anything other than 'no'?  Further more ........... do you really think anyone on the planet would believe that answer? 

The answer to the the question that Forbes posed, now becomes obvious.  In fact I believe the question asked by Forbes was rhetorical.  Having Duterte at the White House is foolish.  And.......d. j[ackass] is a fool, so I'm not surprised.  

If Duterete decides to honor us with his presence, he will walk away with validation for his heinous human rights violations. We, the American people will be seen world wide as supporting murder. trump has already praised Duterte’s war on drugs, calling it the “right way” to pursue the problem. This ass will say anything, do anything to sweet talk a head of state for a country he has financial interests in. And therein lies one of the basic problems with trump, his continuing conflicts of interest.

trump (chump) tower Manila, is almost complete.  trump does not own the project, but he has HUUUUUUGE financial interests in it, just as with other properties around the world that bear his name.  trump sells licenses to use his surname on buildings.  In return he receives a percentage of the annual revenues generated by the property.  In Manila, the capital of the Philippines,  the trump tower building is being built by Manila based Century Property Group.  Century's chairman is one Jose Antonio who was appointed as special envoy to Washington for trade, investment and economic affairs.  Duterte appointed Antonio to this post in October of 2016.  If you think that Duterte did that as a hedge on betting that trump might win the election in November, you're not alone.  Hind sight is 20/20, my father was fond of saying.

After trump's invitation to Duterte, late last week, The Washington Post inquired this past Monday about a video of trumpy boy and the female half of jivanka appearing in a video on the building's web site, endorsing the project.  Just reading this, you can hear d.j[ackass] saying that trump tower Manila will be "something very, very special, like nobody's seen before".  Female jivanka purred  that the project is a "milestone in Philippine real estate history" .  I say 'purred' because the endorsement video was pulled from the web site along with links to the video, after the Post's inquiry.  So, just as his obvious conflict of interest is called out, he thinks he can hide it.

You and I do not know what trump discusses behind closed doors.  trump has done nothing to prove he is worthy of my trust and I suspect the same is true for a large majority of Americans, therefore, he is not trustworthy.  What I do know is that he has not removed himself from, he has not divested his interest in his businesses.  I am in a position where I find myself assuming that he is discussing his own private business behind those closed doors, for the purpose of lining his pockets with money and spending our good name as the currency to do so.  I'm not okay with this and I'm not okay with our country associating itself with a despot like Duterte.  As I indicated  at the start of this post, Duterte is a loose cannon.  So is trump.  Birds of a feather.........?  You betcha!

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