Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The World Moves On

In spite of, despite, to spite d. j[ackass] trump, the world is moving on.

An example of 'to spite' is the suicide bomber last night in Manchester England.  Anyone on this planet who thinks that this bombing is not a direct response to trump's current overseas trip which started in Saudi Arabia, moved on to Israel and now is focused on talks with Mahmoud Abbas, has their head firmly implanted ........well you can finish this sentence.  I know the difference between contiguity (two unrelated events close together in time and space) and cause and effect, but come on.

trump, with the childish rhetoric that he uses, has immediately labeled the suicide bomber and terrorists in general as "losers".  d. j[ackass] went on to say that:

"I won’t call them monsters because they would like that term. They would think that’s a great name. I will call them from now on losers, because that’s what they are. They’re losers. And we’ll have more of them. But they’re losers. Just remember that."

So, what's wrong with that Bill? Well, from my way of thinking, claiming that a group of people are "losers" means that there are winners. Dividing the world into winners and losers sets up an antagonistic world. "Losers" are people who are suffering, or are watching people they care about suffer, or are part of a group or groups that have been suffering over the course of generations. "Losers" can be people who have a keen sense of justice and see injustice taking place when the world is divided into "winners" and "losers". These same people can become so sympathetic to the people that they view as being treated unjustly, that they strongly identify with them. They can experience so much hopelessness and despair that they are driven to commit acts of violence. I'm not saying that this is ok, but I am saying that it is understandable, on some level. 

Taking away the concept of winners and losers could go a long way to reducing all of this, but changing this dynamic will take generations. Many generations. Between the generation that I was born into and the current Millenial generation, I do see an easing of this mentality, but the human race has a long way to go. So, where does this leave us. It leaves us in the position where terror attacks will continue to occur. Using the kind of rhetoric that trump uses only serves to ramp up the upset & increase the odds of more terror attacks around the world.

In spite of trump, despite trump, the grind to learn about his possible improprieties and illegal actions continues. Resistance to trump continues.  The usual disagreements between the administration and Congress continue.   Being out of the country may give trump the illusion that his world has all of the sudden become a wonderful, rosy place. If so, that's his fantasy, let him have it. 

Flynn was subpoenaed by the Senate Intelligence committee to turn over "documents related to the committee's investigation of possible collusion between the [t]rump campaign and the Russian government's efforts to sway the 2016 election." Flynn invoked the 5th amendment, which protects an individual from possibly incriminating themselves. 'Pleading the fifth' is applicable to documents.

This leaves the ball in the Senate's court. There are a few different paths that the Senate can take to force Flynn to produce the documents. One method will be to hold Flynn in contempt, which the whole Senate will have to vote on in order for the contempt charge to move forward into the court system. This will bring its own set of difficulties which will make the process protracted and messy. Suffice it to say that the longer Flynn's refusal to provide documents drags on, the longer it will remain a thorn in the side of both the administration and the Republican dominated Senate.

On Sunday, approximately 100 students walked out of their graduation ceremony at Nore Dame in South Bend Indiana because of the Commencement speaker, Mike Pence.

Today, the former CIA Director under President Obama, John Brennan, testified in front of a House panel that he was aware of evidence indicating contact between [t]rump's campaign and Russians, but that he didn't have enough information to determine if they colluded.

There are reports that Paul Ryan and the White House are not seeing eye to eye on tax reform.

Reports have surfaced that the director of national intelligence, Daniel Coats and the director of the national security agency, Admiral Michael Rogers were both asked by trump, directly, to "deny the existence of any evidence of collusion during the 2016 election." The Washington Post interviewed two current and former officials, independently of one another and both insisted on anonymity because the were discussing private communications with trump. The sources both reported that Coats and Rogers saw this as an inappropriate request.

See what I mean.......the world moves on.







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