Thursday, May 18, 2017

Special Counsel Robert Mueller

I was very pleased to learn, last night, that Rod Rosenstein has done the right thing. He has created an independent position with the title Special Counsel. The position is being filled by Robert Mueller (pronounced Muller). Although all the reports I heard about Mueller were glowing, I have the need to learn about him further. Below is what I have found.

Mr. Mueller was born in 1944 and is currently 72 years old. Politically, he is registered as a Republican. He has earned the following degrees from the following schools:

Princeton University - BA
New York University - MA
University of Virginia - JD

Mueller served as an officer in the marine Corps and commanded a rifle platoon of the 3rd Marine Division in Vietnam. While in Vietnam, he earned the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star and the Galantry Cross.

In 1986, Mueller was appointed by President Ronald Reagan as the U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. and served in that position into 1987.

In 1989, he served in the U.S. Department of Justice (D.O.J.) as an assistant to Attorney general Richard (Dick) Thornburgh. The next year, in 1990, President George H.W. Bush appointed Mueller as the Assistant Attorney general in charge of the Criminal Division. he served in this position into the administration of President Bill Clinton, until 1993. While in charge of the Criminal Division he prosecuted such notable cases as Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega, the Pan Am Flight 103 (Lockerbie bombing) case, and the Gambino crime family boss John Gotti.

After a respite from public service, he was tapped again by President Clinton for the position of U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California. He served in this position from 1998 until 2001. On January 20 of 2001 President George W. Bush appointed Mueller the acting Deputy Attorney General. He served in this position until May 10, 2001.

His break from public service didn't last long. President Bush appointed him as the Director of the FBI on September 4, 2001.  He served under President Bush and then under President Obama until September 4, 2013, twelve years to the day. It is note worthy that the usual term for the Director of the FBI is ten years.

As you can see, this guy has, if I dare say it, unimpeachable credentials. There is no one who can be critical of Mueller's ability to conduct an independent, thorough and unbiased investigation, no matter where the trail of evidence leads. Up here in Pennsylvania I heard the collective sigh of relief coming from Washington D.C. last night.

I do want to make something immediately clear though, lest we let our guard down. We have come to this point, in large part due to public dissent and the great work of our legitimate news media. We can not and must not let the pressure flag. When we see immoral and illegal behavior come out of trump and the White House, we must and the press must continue to scream loudly in recognition of it. I believe that Bob Mueller is immune from being prejudiced by his surroundings, but he lives in our world and will certainly take note of possible illegal behavior if we are loud in pointing it out.

Of course there is one person who is not happy about this and is already trying to guide the investigation and discredit it. Last night, trump tried to guide it when he put out a statement that included he is "look[ing] forward to this matter concluding quickly." This, of course, is code for he expects the investigation to be done with quickly or he'll be pissed off. Well trumpy boy, you can look forward to a quick conclusion to this investigation all you want, but be prepared to be pissed off.

Investigations by independent counsels have historically take years. Furthermore, Mueller is known for conducting thorough investigations, following all leads and performing his work, strictly by the book. Former chief of staff and senior counsel to Mueller, John Carlin, has noted that Mr. Mueller will run "a buttoned-down, by-the-book operation"

The attempts at discrediting Mueller's office and task started this morning when the twit twitted:

Donald J. Trump

This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!
7:52 AM - 18 May 2017

And at a news anchors luncheon today, d. j[ackass] said, "I believe it hurts our country terribly, because it shows we're a divided, mixed-up, not-unified country."

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