Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Story of Hanzel Comey

As I remember it from childhood, the story of Hanzel and Gretyl goes something like this:

They were taking a hike through the forest.  They left a trail of crumbs along the way.  They came upon a house that was made out of cookies; were hungry and started to eat the house.  A witch came out of the house and tried to bake them in the oven.  They escaped and followed there trail of crumbs to get out of the forest.

Well boys and girls, we seem to have a modern day Hanzel in the person of former Director of the FBI, James Comey.  Yesterday, The New York Times published an article about a paper trail created by Comey.   According to the two people that the Times interviewed for their article, and are close to Comey, he "was uncomfortable at times with his relationship with Mr. Trump."  The two sources reported that it was Comey's practice to document conversations that he believed would later be called into question.  The sources reported that "Mr. Comey created similar memos — including some that are classified — about every phone call and meeting he had with  [trump]. It is unclear whether Mr. Comey told the Justice Department about the conversation or his memos."

The memo that is currently of much interest is one detailing a meeting between Mr. Comey and d.j[ackass] trump one day after Mike Flynn "resigned", was 'fired" ..... you choose.  Comey had been in the Oval Office that day with other senior national security officials for a terrorism threat briefing. When the meeting ended, trump told all those present, including pence and jeff sessions, to leave the room except for Mr. Comey.  Comey wrote a detailed memo regarding the conversation as soon as he could, after the meeting.  One of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of it to a Times reporter.  “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,.  He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.” To which Comey's only reply was “I agree he is a good guy.”

Of course we all know what this means.  Attempted obstruction of justice.  Oooooooops!!

So......trump's press office throws a statement out there, which reads:

“While [trump]has repeatedly expressed his view that General Flynn is a decent man who served and protected our country, [he] has never asked Mr. Comey or anyone else to end any investigation, including any investigation involving General Flynn.  [trump] has the utmost respect for our law enforcement agencies, and all investigations. This is not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between [trump] and Mr. Comey.”

Ya know.......when a crime is committed, one of the things investigators look for is motive.  Does James (Hantzel) Comey have a motive for lying, for saying that trump asked him to stop investigating Flynn?  I can't see any reason, unless he just maybe dislikes, even hates trump.  He's conspiring against trump.  It's a conspiracy.  Everybody's against trump ....... it's a huuuuuuuge conspiracy, the biggest ever!  Aw, c'mon.

Does d. j[ackass] trump have a motive for lying?  You bettcha.  He knows he attempted to obstruct justice and now he's trying to use the power of his office to call Comey the liar.

And if it comes down to a he said versus he said battle, it is worth noting that (as the Times reported) "[a]n F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations."

Interestingly, the crumbs that Hanzel has left are flowing right into Congress and surprisingly into Jason Chaffetz's field of vision. You remember Chaffetz, the toad that ran to trump when he was fed a load of crap about some of trump's associates being wire tapped by president Obama. Well it turns out that Chaffetz has decided to not run for re-election in 2018, and so is starting to grow a pair. See the letter, below, to now acting director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe:

Chaffetz's request, addressed to the acting FBI director Andrew McCabe, came just hours after Comey's explosive accusations against Trump were published in the New York Times

According to this letter, May 25th should be a whole lotta fun.

 As for possible recordings made in the oval office a source close to Comey has told CNN that "If there is a tape, there's nothing he is worried about,"  which was corroborated by Ken Dilanian of NBC.

An NBC White House reporter spoke with a Comey confidant who said the fired FBI chief is hoping the tapes exists; CNN made a similar report based on another unnamed source

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