Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Importance of Being Resistant

I am glad that Rod Rosenstein has stepped up and appointed Robert Mueller to investigate all things trump (as they relate to our country).  I could care less about all other things trump, those are his problems.  Rosenstein was sorely used by trump, but I believe that in appointing  this special counsel, he will be seen by historians in the future as one of those people that JFK wrote about in Profiles in Courage.

We, the American people may very well be written about as having displayed great courage during this period in our country's history also. along with legitimate news media outlets.  But, and this is an important 'but', we have an obligation to ourselves and to each other to remain vigilant.

The pressure that we have brought to bear is the reason we have come to this place where we have an excellent person heading up an independent investigation.  Mueller will do his job, there is no doubt.  He will not be speaking to the press.  He will go about his business in a deliberate fashion and the truth will be found out, whatever it is, so the pressure we need to continue with does not apply to removing trump from office (for right now).  That will come to pass in due course.  The reason we need to remain vigilant is because trump and his idiots will now take this as a signal that they can act with impunity on the legislative front and with unilateral executive actions.

trump, sessions, goebbels-bannon, jivanka, mumbles mcconnell, ryan  will take this opportunity to ram through a whole mess of legislation that will set our country back.  When I say 'mess of', the key work in that phrase is 'mess'.  When i say 'set our country back', I mean as far back as the 1950s.  Ah, the good ole days.  Where men were men and women where safely relegated to the home.  Where Jim Crow laws ruled the south.  Where the concept of air and water pollution were not even part of the American psyche or lexicon.  When rarely was heard a discouraging word and Muslims were not on the scene,  horay.  You get the picture.

The past is the past, the present is the present and the future needs to be the future, not the past.  We need to ensure our continued efforts to make our world a better place for all that live on it (well except for viruses and harmful bacteria, although to be truthful, they have a very important place in the eco system as well).

Bill, what in hell are you getting at?  It's this simple.  d.j[ackass] is still a danger to us all.  We must shift our focus from getting rid of him to stopping him while he is still in office.  We need to keep our energy level on loud.  We need to keep up the momentum we have built to turn both houses of Congress over to Democratic party control.  I am not saying that the Dems are perfect.  I am not saying they are the panacea.  I am saying they will not cause nearly the damage that the current batch of republicans will.

The same way that we have affected the proper method of investigation of trump is exactly the same way we will be able to limit the damage that trump and the Republican Congress will do to us.  And, I might add, it really does work from the bottom up.  I truly believe that those in the legitimate news media want the same things that we do, have the same concerns that we have.  But, make no mistake, news is a business.  The ultimate goal of any business is to make money.  If we keep the volume turned up, the legitimate media will respond by reporting on the issues we identify.  They naturally investigate and publish news that brings them large audiences and therefore money.

We are doing great.  I feel like I'm living through the late 60s again, but with a much better understanding of our Constitution, the law and the power that we as a collective people have.  Writing this gives me a swell of pride in being an American.  We are not being led by the nose. We have led our government and we need to continue leading those that we have elected.  Let's not be self congratulatory yet, lest we let down our guard and thereby hurt ourselves.  Continue to resist!

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