Tuesday, May 16, 2017

trump is Making America Less Secure

This is a very simple concept that even people who are not bright can grasp.  When an intelligence agency from another country provides our country with information, it is still owned by that country. Established protocol has always been that, information can only be shared if the owner of the information gives its permission to do so for each instance of sharing.  If that information is shared without the permission of the country that owns it, then we run the risk that that county's intelligence agency will stop sharing information with us.  This, of course, makes us less secure.  The less information we have, the less secure we are.  Simple!

With the above in mind, let's determine if we are more secure today, less secure or have no change. Yesterday the Washington Post reported that trump revealed intelligence to the Russian Foreign Minister and Ambassador during their meeting at the White House last week.  The intelligence trump shared was gathered by another nation.  We, the U.S. have an intelligence-sharing arrangement with that other nation that includes the proviso that information given by one nation (the owner of the information) to the other will not be shared with a third country without the owner's permission.  The Post reported that "[t]he partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia".  

By the way, I should note that the information that the Post gathered was from un-named current and former U.S. officials. It is also interesting to note that if the Post or any other news outlet divulged sources that gave information, with the understanding that they would remain anonymous, then broke that agreement, that source of information would obviously dry up.  Same concept with trump and the Russians.

With reference to the legality of trump's alleged behavior, trump has the authority to declassify information and therefore many would say he did not break any laws.  Firstly that is not the issue. The issue is that trump has jeopardized our security by not respecting the country that provided us with information.  But ......... if you want to talk about legality, he did break one law, as far as I can see.  He provided a long standing enemy of our country with "aide and comfort".  Oh, excuse me, what did you say Bill?  You heard me "aide and comfort", and we all know what that defines ....... treason!

So, to continue with this sordid episode, trump trotted National Security Advisor McMaster out in front of the microphones.  McMaster claimed in no uncertain terms that the story in the Post "as reported, is false".  McMaster went on to say:

"At no time — at no time — were intelligence sources or methods discussed. And the [trump] did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known. Two other senior officials who were present, including the secretary of state, remember it being the same way and have said so. Their on-the-record accounts should outweigh those of anonymous sources. And I was in the room. It didn’t happen."


Let's get this crap straight!  The Post did not indicate in any way, in any way, that trump disclosed "intelligence sources", that trump disclosed "methods", that trump disclosed "military operations that were not already publicly known".  What the trump administration is attempting to do is make true statements and hope that the public will blindly believe that what those statements address is a rebutal to the Post's article.  

And then today, while I was working on this post to the blog, I learned that trump twitted and admitted that he shared the information and that he had the authority to do it.  Again ....... nobody is disputing that a person holding the position that trump holds, has the authority to behave as he did.  But I wll make my thoughts on this as clear as distilled water.  Just because he has the authority doesn't make his behavior any less stupid or treasonous and certainly makes our country less secure.

Donald J. Trump

As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining....
7:03 AM - 16 May 2017

Donald J. Trump

...to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism.
7:13 AM - 16 May 2017

Well mr. trump (note that this is one of the rare instatnces that I refer to d.j[ackass] as mister), you keep thinking and behaving the way that you have in the past week.  You are disgracing our country, making it less secure and have secured your position in history as the worst holder of the office that you currently occupy.

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