Sunday, May 7, 2017

Freedom of Speech

Steven Colbert was not happy with trump last Monday.  Steven took exception to trump's treatment of Face the Nation's John Dickerson the day before while interviewing trump in the Oval Office.  I found it hilarious, but am aware that what Colbert said may have offended some.  I suspect it offended the same people that called President Obama the "N" word.

The exact quote is "“In fact, the only thing [trump's] mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster”.  The intent is obviously to emphasize that trump is subservient to putin and that trump doesn't have much in the way of thinking or speaking power.  The "offensive" word is "cock".  Cock is a slang word for penis much the same as 'pussy' is a slang word for vagina.  Other slang references for a penis are dick, schmuck, putz, tube snake ....... you get the picture.   The word 'cock' is not one of the 7 words that George Carlin made famous in the 1960s as the words that could't be said on television, although it is part of one of the words.  It could be a reference to a rooster.  Furthermore you can go to many channels and hear this word used along with the seven words that Carlin learned were no nos in the '60s:

Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.

I understand that the FCC is investigating the incident.  It is also my understanding that this is a matter of course when the FCC receives a complaint, so those that are rubbing their hands together and licking their chops need to calm theIR motherfucking asses down (by the way, ass is not one of the words because it may be referring to a donkey).  Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think Steven is going anywhere.

It is worth noting that on Wednesday night Colbert did make say that he would use different wording in the future, but does not regret the intent of his comment:

“Now, folks, if you saw my monologue on Monday, you know that I was a little upset at [d]onald [t]rump for insulting a friend of mine.  So, at the end of that monologue, I had a few choice insults for the president in return. I don’t regret that. I believe he can take care of himself. I have jokes; he has the launch codes. So, it’s a fair fight.”

“I would change a few words that were cruder than they needed to be.  I just want to say, for the record, life is short, and anyone who expresses their love for another person in their own way is, to me, an American hero.”

I'm not here to defend Steven, I'm here to defend free speech, as long as what is said does not initiate a process that brings physical harm to another person.  You know, like "get 'em outa here".

Speaking of our First Amendment rights, this past Wednesday, one women was convicted of disorderly conduct and parading or demonstrating on Capitol grounds, with the possibility of one year in prison.  Two other women were convicted of just the parading or demonstrating on Capitol grounds charge and also face the possibility of one year in jail.

Why, Bill?  What did they do?  Well it goes like this; at sessions confirmation hearing in the Senate, two of the women dressed up as kkk members stood up before the hearing started.  Now, I've seen plenty of photos of kkk members in full regalia  and and there's no issues.  I mean, even the ACLU has made sure that the kkk can exercise their First Amendment rights.  So I don't get this.  The third woman was convicted for laughing during the hearing.  I've heard a recording of the incident.  The laugh was not loud, not long and was spontaneous not faked.  Oh no........she laughed.  Cut me (actually, cut her) a break.

Yesterday, I was listening to the NPR Saturday Morning show Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me.  They were trying to get all of their listeners arrested.  They pointed out that jeff sessions is so white (how white is he, Bill), that you can only use him between Memorial Day and Labor Day!

Folks........things are gettin' puuuuurdy darn sad in our country.

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