Sunday, April 30, 2017

Bursting at the Seams

I'm bursting at the seams.  I'm fired up and ready to go.

On Friday, I needed to do some grocery shopping.  While I was driving, I was listening to Here and Now on NPR.  The first thing I'm greeted with is a recording of trump saying that he loved his previous life, it was easy, he thought that being the [administrator] would be much easier than it is.  Well duh ya big jackass!  The worst part of it is, he ain't doin' shit anyway.  d.j[ackass] is so stupid he reveals himself as a lazy s.o.b. with out even knowing it.

Following this little blurb, there was a discussion about the 25th anniversary of the Rodney King verdict. Four white police officers were found not guilty on all charges except one witch the jury was split on.  The judge declared this charge, over which  the jury was split, a mistrial.  Thisll white jury ware shown a video of King hand cuffed, and while hand cuffed, receiving over 50 blows by the four officers in 80 seconds.  In my best Louis Black style......are you frikin' kidding me!!!!  This kind of bullshit is the exact same problem that trump has re-exposed in our country.  The L.A. police force has been re-organized and operates properly now, because of changes made due to the King beating, but this perception by white people that "others" are of lesser value is what trump has dredged back up to the surface.  I am thankful that the L.A. police department, under the guidance of the U.S. Department of Justice has been reformed.  What now concerns me is that trump along with sessions would defend this same behavior by a police department, without question.  This is just one area where trump and his gang of jackasses are dangerous.  There are other issues where trump n' boobs present a clear and present danger.

Last week trump declared that South Korea should pay $1 billion dollars for The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system that is being installed in South Korea. The agreement that was made was that South Korea will provide the land for the system and that our country will install and operate the system. There is no mention of money in the agreement.  In an interview with Reuters on Thursday, trump said:
"I informed South Korea it would be appropriate if they pay. That's a billion dollar system."

Yesterday, National Security Adviser McMaster said that our country will honor its agreement and pay for the system's deployment and operation.  He also said that trump's comment was made "in a general context, in line with the U.S. public expectations on defense cost burden-sharing with allies".  Again, what a load of horse shit.  These boobs keep enabling trump's dangerous mouth which is run by his almost non-existent brain.  So, as we have seen on multiple occasions, trump is dangerous when it comes to foreign policy.

More dangerous behavior has been nullified by our court system. I have not researched this issue, but have always thought that it would be illegal for an administration to withhold funds to cities and municipalities that have been guaranteed for various activities and agencies via legislation, based on demands that have nothing to do with that funding. In other words, I have always thought that withholding funds for libraries if the fire department did not comply with administration demands would be illegal. The only way that the funding for a city's libraries could be withheld would be if the stipulations of the legislation for the library system were not adhered to. So....... how in the world did trump think that he would be able to withhold funding for various agencies in a city for not acceding to his demands that all 'requests' for immigrants be detained until a federal immigration agent could come and take custody of said immigrant, was going to fly. This past week, a San Francisco judge, put the kibosh on this ridiculous concept. Per a New York Times article, "Judge, William H. Orrick of United States District Court, wrote that the president had overstepped his powers with his January executive order on immigration by tying billions of dollars in federal funding to immigration enforcement. Judge Orrick said only Congress could place such conditions on spending."  Hahhhhhhh, take that trumpy boy, and you too jeff the bigot sessions. 

But, this morning, one of my colleagues at work showed me the coup de gras (that's coop duh grass for all you 'mericans out there), the most dangerous bull, the reason everyone of us should be scared as hell. In an interview, yesterday, to mark the 100 day mark of his inept administration, trump held our Constitution as being responsible for his difficulties: 

“It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”

Again I am asking myself and anyone who is 'listening', what in hell is this guy, this pea brain, this insect thinking.  I just can't wait to read what kind of crap comes out of his mouth to try to explain this one away.  This is the document that he swore to defend and protect 101 days ago.  This is the most direct affront to my sensibilities as an American that I have ever heard or read.  But .................... don't be fooled by this bull crap.  This is an obvious distraction so that it will be our focus rather than other dangerous activities taking place, with the hope that those other activities will fly under the radar.  trump has a major interview today on CBS and again tomorrow on CBS.  I'm willing to bet that this remark of his takes center stage, thereby limiting scrutiny of truly dangerous behavior by d.j[ackass]

I've got more, but this is all I'm going to put out there in one post.  It's all just too overwhelming.

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