Friday, April 21, 2017

Concerns About Normalization (But Not Fatigue)

*** As is the case more often than I like, this post is late.  Again, please accept my apology ***

Today, as I start to write, I find myself at a loss for something to write about.  Congress is on recess.  I've discussed this weekend's March for Science on Earth Day.  I've caught up on trump's stupidity.  I'm down to wondering what the hell happened to goebbels-conway, you know goebbels-bannon's twin sister.  Imagine my delight at being handed the opportunity to have some fun when I did a little digging around in google. Turns out that the paparazzi  (Italian, for flying rats) are stalking trump's flying monkeys.  Hold it, does this mean that if someone throws water on trump, he'll melt.

The Washington Post reports that "top aides, including [k]ellyanne [c]onway, [s]ean [s]picer, [j]ared [k]ushner and [i]vanka [t]rump, are routinely stalked by the paparazzi".  The article also notes that this is "not normal".
You bet it's not normal, but I guess that's the price one pays when one wants to be famous.  Digging a little deeper, I can see where this may very well be more of trump's attempts at distraction and misdirection; 'I want you all to go out there and be pretty for the press, so they don't watch what we're really doing'.

It also occurs to me that those that live by the sword will also die by the sword.  Paparazzi are the epitome of "fake news".  trump and the goebbels twins, along with puppet-spicer,  have become the largest purveyors of fake news since The National Enquirer.  It is only fitting that these schmucks are now being hounded by the paprazzi.  They have asked for it, they've earned it and they deserve it.  

Speaking of people that "deserve it"............Bill O'Reilly!  I have zero sympathy for this guy.  Where there's smoke, there is fire.  I have no doubts in my heart that O'Reilly is as guilty as sin.  He's getting off scot free.  He's got all the money he needs to never do another thing.  His reputation is besmirched, oh well, he's the one that besmirched it.  And just remember that approximately two weeks ago trumpy boy was singing O'Reilly's praises.  Cut from the same cloth?  The grabber cloth.

The real issue, for me, is that after 155 posts, I'm scrambling today. I am concerned that trump's Modus Operandi is becoming the norm.  I am not fatigued, I know that.  I see trump moving towards the middle and that frightens me.  I am concerned that real news outlets (as opposed to fake ones) will cover trump as though he is a normal administrator.  I am concerned that people will lose focus on the core issue with trump.
In light of my concern, I am going to keep repeating what I have said in previous postings.  trump has no respect for the laws of our country.  he is a narcissistic and a sociopath.  his only agenda is to perform in ways that ultimately serve to enrich him and to feed his ego.  Being a narcissist and a sociopath a feeding his ego are not crimes, but they lead him to commit crimes.

We already know that he is in direct violation of the nepotism law that was written in the late 1960's (see post Nepotism 12/29/16).  So there is an impeachable offense right there.  he can't just save himself, once charged, by saying 'oooooops, i'll fire jivanka right away'.  The crime has already been committed.  If someone robbed a bank and then said 'oooooops, I'll give the money back right away', do ya really think that would save the person from serving time in jail?

We know that we need to push for a special prosecutor who would be able to subpoena trump's tax returns, which would tell us if he is disregarding the emoluments clause in the Constitution, by not divesting himself of all of his business interests.  We know that he is being sued, in a civil suit, for inciting violence in March of 2016 at a campaign rally.  We need to push the attorney general of Kentucky to file criminal charges regarding that incident, because we know that there are laws in Kentucky that speak directly to his violence provoking behavior and that one of those persons incited to be violent admits that trump urged him to assault a protester (see  trump Isn't Smart Enough to Say Something That Stupid!  4/17/17 and Inciting Violence 4/5/17).

We know that we must protest and keep our energy up, in order to flip both houses of Congress, who will then impeach and remove trump from office. We know that we have to fight for a Constitutional amendments to abolish the Electoral College and to impose term limits on Congress.

So.......we have our work cut out for us and the work is in these areas which we cannot loose sight of just because trump moves to the middle in an attempt to save his ass.  As the Washington Post article reads, this is "not normal".

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