Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Holocaust Alternative Facts from the IOD

There's so many people in trump's gang or in Congress that I could be writing about when I make the claim that the guy is just an idiot, but I won't keep you in suspense.  The IOD (idiot of the day, idiot on duty, your choice) is .............. (well maybe a little suspense, drum roll please).............spicey boy, puppet-spicer.

It must have been difficult for reporters to quote yesterday's horse shit (sorry, but this one is so bad, I could not refrain from profanity).  Not only because of the new level of crap he spewed from his mouth, but also because he stammered and stumbled all over himself, it must have been hard to piece together a coherent statement in writing.  What did the IOD say Bill?

“We didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II.  You know, you had someone as despicable as [h]itler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

You just have to be kidding me!  Either the history that I learned about the Holocaust was 'fake' history or IOD is presenting alternative facts.  One way or the other I have obviously been misinformed my whole life.  

I checked in with a few of my colleagues at work this morning and they were aghast.  But, there was one person (who happens to be Jewish) that said he knew that Hitler didn't use chemical weapons.  I had to ask him if he was being serious, and he was.  Now why would anyone think that?  His thinking was that the last time chemical weapons were used, was mustard gas during Word War One.  That was the end of our conversation.

Ohhhhhhhhhh!  I got it.  hitler didn't use chemical weapons on the battle field or in open areas with civilian populations.  That must be it.  If it's 'sanitized' it's not a weapon.  

Of course, IOD was asked to clarify his comment, so he did:

“I think when you come to sarin gas, he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing.”

And then said: “Holocaust centers.”  He stopped right there.  I guess one could assume that he realized that there were nazi death camps, at that point.

IOD tried to wiggle out of the massive hole he dug for himself one more time with a written statement after the press briefing, as follows:

“I was trying to draw a distinction of the tactic of using airplanes to drop chemical weapons on population centers.  Any attack on innocent people is reprehensible and inexcusable.”

Okay, enough of this crap.  I've examined IOD's ineptness more than was necessary.  I'm now at a loss for words to express my complete and total disgust with this particular idiot.

Last question is about jivanka.  Here it is, Passover, and this 'colleague' of theirs displays vast disregard for Jews.  First of all, what was said at their family Sedar (the traditional Passover meal)?  Secondly, if they are such good Jews, did they go to a Sedar?  Third, if they have the influence that they advertise, how does IOD still have a job in the White House, with this administration?  Maybe IOD's comments were coincidental to the Passover holiday, maybe they weren't.  Either way they were unbelievably insensitive at any time, but on the holiday that remembers the mistreatment of Jews when they were enslaved .......... well, there just aren't any words that can use to define the outrage that this brings up in any Jewish person, whether they are observant or not!  

I guess the recent cover of Time Magazine. Is Truth Dead?,  is a rhetorical question with the answer being yes (at least for now).

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