Friday, April 21, 2017

Turning sessions's Mouth on sessions

I really am amazed that an asshole who is the Attorney General and is from an area of land on the north American continent can shoot off his mouth when it appears that he clearly has no respect for the law.
If your not sure what I'm getting at, then read what jeff sessions said on a radio program this week:

"I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific can issue an order that stops the president of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and constitutional power."

I believe we will start to see sessions shooting off his mouth more often.  And I expect him to equivocate and hedge his bet while at the same time insulting people left and right.  It is not new for this southern hick to insult people.  And by the way, I want to be clear immediately, there are hicks all over our country, so I am not insulting southerners or southern states, I am simply identifying what portion of our country this hick is from.

During Sessions's 1986 confirmation hearings for a position on the Federal Bench , an attorney in the Civil Rights Division in the Department of Justice, Gary Herbert, testified that he once told sessions that a judge  had called a Caucasian lawyer a "disgrace to his race" because he represented African American clients.  Sessions allegedly replied, "well maybe he is".  sessions's response to this allegation during those hearings was:

“I understand that that statement has been made, and I recall a conversation in which that was mentioned and I may have -- I believe the statement was I had said ‘maybe he is,’ and that is really disturbing to me. I suppose -- I do not know why I would have said that, and I certainly do not believe that."

Then he tried to cover his ass and said the lawyer in question “[was] one of the finest lawyers in the country.”

Also during those hearings, 30 years ago, a long time assistant, Thomas Figures, an African American, reported that sessions repeatedly referred to him as "boy".  This accusation ended up being a he said versus he said situation.  sessions denied that he would ever call an African American adult male "boy".  I've said it in other instances and I'll say it here.  I believe Figures's allegations.  The reason I believe it, is because where there is smoke, there is fire.  Figures had nothing to gain and gained nothing.  He obviously had no other motive than to relate how he was treated by sessions.

My purpose for reviewing the above testimony from 1986 is to use the public record to expose sessions for who he truly is.  These behaviors were glimpses into sessions when he was not on guard regarding his public persona; his true self if you will.  

As far as my comment on sessions's equivocating, just examine this phrase from his statement at the beginning of this post; "from what appears to be clearly".  This is the statement of a person who is hedging his bet, who is not sure about what he is saying.  If sessions is secure in what he said, then why didn't he take this his case to the Supreme Court?  He didn't appeal to the Supreme Court before Gorsuch and he hasn't since Gorsuch was seated on its bench.  In essence,  sessions is full of shit and is trying to make his case on a partisan radio program instead of the highest court in our country. 

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