Monday, April 17, 2017

trump Isn't Smart Enough to Say Something That Stupid!

At my work place, I have running discussions with various people about political happenings.  This serves many purposes.  It gives me an avenue to vent a little.  It helps me to inform others..  It gives me the opportunity to get the word out about my blog.  And, and this is very important, it helps me stay informed.

Yesterday, one of my colleagues showed me a google search on trump.  Imagine my surprise? (no), incredulity? (yup) when I saw that trump is claiming that he can't be sued for inciting violence during the campaign in 2016.

Well, I learned that it wasn't trump that made that claim, it was his lawyers.  trump isn't smart enough to say something that stupid!

On Friday, in response to the civil suite that has been filed in Kentucky against d.j[ackass] for inciting violence, trump's lawyers wrote. “[m]r. [t]rump is immune from suit because he is President of the United States”.   Come on!!!!  These guys should be charged with contempt of court for throwing out something so ridiculous in order to stall the inevitable.  Maybe they should be disbarred for not knowing the law.

Maybe they were confused. A 1982 Supreme Court ruling, concluded that presidents cannot  have civil suits brought against them while they are a sitting president, due to their actions as president. Note that this does not address actions taken prior to holding that position. In 1997 the supreme court ruled that a sitting president can be sued for actions committed prior to being president.

Showing further confusion, trump's lawyers wrote in their brief that “[t]he [t]rump Defendants deny that [m]r. [t]rump directed his statement to the crowd” .  Now, I'm always willing to admit that I could be or am wrong, so I'll say right now that maybe trump isn't the only defendant in this suit, but I thought that the suit was filed against trump only.  But, no matter, isn't  whether "trump directed his statement to the crowd" or not, to be determined by a jury after having the evidence presented to them?

Speaking of evidence, Alvin Bamberger,  the 75 year old man who 'allegedly' (he hasn't been convicted, so I'll use the word allegedly) assaulted 21-year-old protester Kashiya Nwanguma during a rally in Louisville, Kentucky, said he “would not have acted as he did without [t]rump and/or the [t]rump Campaign’s specific urging and inspiration”.  This is per Bamberger’s lawyer in the filing of a suit against trump.  Bamberger is suing to ensure that trump pays for his legal fees.  Bamberger also noted that he believes that trump's speech that night “was calculated to incite violence”.  Bamberger's lawyer made a strong point of saying that “to the extent that Bamberger acted, he did so in response to — and inspired by — [t]rump and/or the [t]rump Campaign’s urging to remove the protesters”.

George L. Belzley, the attorney representing the assaulted protesters, made note that Bamberger's statements are “extraordinarily significant". "Now it is no longer just the plaintiffs saying that what [trump] said was wrong, now one of the people that actually engaged in [assaulting one of his clients] has pointed his finger at [m]r. [t]rump as being what motivated [him] to act in the way he did.”

In reference to trump's attorneys claiming that as a sitting president (that made me sick to type that), he is not liable for actions taken prior to taking office, Belzley said in a no nonsense statement that “That battle’s been fought and lost, and if there's any attempt to postpone this litigation, to stay it, to dismiss it, [mr. trump] is going to to be reading that authority.”

And I say that if Mr. Belzley is taking this opportunity to boost his career, more power to him. Someone has to take on d.j[ackass] and his flying litigious monkeys.  Belzley seems to be one of the few who are directly stepping up to the plate.

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