Saturday, April 1, 2017

An Open Letter to ivanka trump

Dear ms. trump,

I am writing to you today, to express my disappointment in you.  I wouldn't be nearly as unhappy with you, except for the fact that expectations of you were set so high.  Whoever it was that managed your public persona, whether it was you or someone else, broke one of the basic rules of customer relations.  I was not given reasonable expectations about who you are.  The expectations were set way to high, which means you were set up for failure.

All during the 2016 presidential campaign, I heard news of how you were the person who could advise your father to be a decent person, how all those that spoke about you just gushed about what a great and decent person you are.  Hell, even Hillary Clinton had only wonderful comments about you.  I heard Chelsea Clinton note that you and she were good friends and that the fact that each one of you had a parent that was running against the other in the presidential campaign, hadn't changed your relationship.  News commentators and reporters from media outlets that obviously held great disdain for your father, always made you out to be an honorable person.

My experience is that, your performance hasn't matched the hype.  For a person that supposedly can get your father to see reason, I'm left believing that either you can't deliver or that you agree with him on many subjects.

Supposedly you are Jewish.  If that is so, I'll tell you right now that no Jew on this planet is ok with steve bannon. I will say this again so that it sinks in all the way; no jew on this planet is ok with steve bannon.  You, of course are aware of his endorsers, the kkk and the american nazi party, neither of which he has distaced himself from.  You are also aware of his self description as a Leninist.

Recently, you were given top security clearance.  If you were truly an upstanding person, you would not have accepted it.  It is clear to anyone that can read, that you had no reason to have clearance.  You do not meet the criteria for that privilege.  Granting you that clearance was neither necessary for or consistent with U.S. security needs.  You weren't even an employee of the United States when it was granted.

Your father gave you an office in the West Wing, and again, you were not an employee of our  government at the time, so what right did you have to occupy office space that tax payers provide.  I'm thinking that your daddy needed some eye candy around him.  After all, we all know how physically attracted he is to you after his many pronouncements to that effect.

Your father has now made you an employee of the U.S. government.  One would have thought that an honest, upstanding American, like yourself, would have said thanks, but no thanks to all of these actions.  Of course you know that having employed you as a United States employee, your father has once again run afoul of the nepotism law  that was signed into law in the mid 1960s.

Even if your employment by the U.S. were legal, you have not entered into a blind trust, rather you have placed your businesses in a trust that is controlled by relatives of your husband and the trust still gives you the ability to make business decisions for your companies.  Because you have security clearance, this is without any doubt a clear case of conflict of interest.

So in review, you have not point blank told your father that steve bannon is unacceptable and must go, you accepted top security clearance when you do not meet the criteria, you accepted an office in the White House even though you were not an employee of our government, you have now accepted employment by the United States government which is illegal due to the nepotism law and lastly you clearly have conflicts of interest between your continued ability to participate in your businesses and the security clearance you have received.  You are obviously not the bill of goods that was sold to me or to the rest of America.  To quote your father ......... so sad!

With no respect at all,

William R. (Bill) Sherman

tracted he is to you

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