Friday, March 31, 2017

You Just Can't Make This Crap Up

Psssssst.  Hey trumpy boy.  Quick, let's hide this file cabinet in the family quarters.  And these lap tops.  There's also a few cell phones we should throw in the file cabinet with those files we don't want them to see.  Make sure your tax returns are in there too.

Whew.  Now that we've got everything ready, let's invite  some of those Congress folks over to look at these documents over there in our office that we kept around.  Fake lap tops in place with fake info loaded? Good.

Okay, comrade conway.  Show them in.

My pleasure comrade bannon.

Now, we've invited you over, so you can see for yourselves that we have nothing to hide.  See, here's these documents that clearly show that there was no collusion between our campaign or our transition team with the Russians, but look here's records that confirm trumpy boy's claim that Obama spied on him.


Sounds a little far fetched, you say.  Well, you just can't make this crap up.  trump's administration has invited Nunes's Democratic counterpart on the House intel committee, Adam Schiff, to drop on by the White House to have a look see at them there documents that was shared with numb nuts nunes by two staffers from the National Security Council (NSC), which, oh,  by the way, has goebbels-bannon as a key player.

Schiff tweeted (which is a poor method of communication) that he received an invitation on Thursday afternoon. He formally accepted the invitation in a letter to White House Counsel Donald McGahn, noting that he "look[s] forward to reviewing these materials at the earliest opportunity."

Furthermore, puppet-spicer revealed on Thursday, during the press briefing that he so generously serves up every day, that leaders in both the House and Senate [investigating] panels have been invited to view documents relevant to their investigations of Russia.

Oh look, I'm a crook that's been accused of robbing Fort Knox. Y'all come on over to my place and I'll show you documents that are relevant to your investigation of me.  Get real!  But, I'll give them this, the keep piling on the distractions.

Speaking of's a good one. Flynn offers to testify in front of the Senate committee, but only in exchange for immunity. Isn't this the same asshole that said, just last year on Meet the Press, that “when you are given immunity, that means you probably committed a crime.”  But wait, his lawyer says he should get the immunity because the current political climate is a "witch hunt".

First of all, I'm here to tell you that if it walks like a witch, talks like a witch, looks like a witch, poops like a witch, smells like a witch and as it is said in Monty Python's Holy Grail, floats like a duck or a piece of wood, then........... it's a witch.  I know......let's throw him in the Potomac and see if he sinks or floats.  Either way we win.  If he sinks, then we just leave it at that and if he floats, well you remember what happened to the witch in the movie (they got to burn her).

Funny thing is, trump used the same words as Fynn's lawyer:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 15h15 hours ago
Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!

Hey, you don't think it's possible that trump called Flynn and suggested this whole thing as a distraction, do ya? Well,no matter. The Senate always did have brighter people in it then the House. A congressional official, associated with the senate panel said investigators were not willing to broker a deal with Flynn until they are further along in their inquiries and better understand what information Flynn might offer as part of a deal. That same senior congressional official said Flynn's lawyer was told it was "wildly preliminary" and that immunity was "not on the table" at the moment. Another source said the committee communicated to Flynn's lawyer that it is "not receptive" to the request "at this time".

See, I told ya them Senate folks was smart.  They ain't gonna take that distraction bait like them House folks.

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