Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Devin Nunes

*********** Another late post.  Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up.  Sorry. ***************

I just looked through the names of all of the representatives in the House of Representatives.  There were very few that jumped off the screen and said to me 'hey, you know my name'.  It seems that the name Devin Nunes will become one of those names.  Nunes is a representative from California and is the current chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.  Well he's not looking too intelligent right now.

Intelligence concerns are vital & delicate.  Nunes was appointed head of this committee in January of 2015.  It has become obvious to me that he does not have the temperament or experience to lead this committee through what will be turbulent times.

Last week, Nunes released 'information' regarding the Intelligence Committee's current and ongoing investigation into possible trump campaign involvement with Russian Government officials, Russia's possible interference in our electoral process and trump's allegation that he was wire tapped by President Obama.

Last week Nunes met with an un-named source on the White House grounds who told Nunes that trump campaign associates were noted in phone discussions as a result of surveillance of foreign officials.  What he did next was go to trump and then the media.  What Nunes did not do was discuss this with his committee.

The question is now obvious, can Nunes and the republican dominated Congress investigate all of the afore mentioned issues in an objective manner?  Can Nunes be responsible to the American people or is he compelled to prop up trump's delusions?  If he has information given to him regarding the committee's investigation, can he be trusted to handle that information in a way that does not exacerbate what is obviously a partisan and delicate issue?  The answer to these questions, as far as I'm concerned is a loud and resounding no!!

So what do we do with this?  The answer is simple and at the same time complex.  The simple answer is obvious......appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate all of these issues and any others that need to be looked into.  This becomes complex, again, for obvious reasons.  Certainly the Congress, as it is currently configured will only serve their limited scope and not the broader demand to have these issues addressed in a trustworthy way.

There have been some voices calling for an independent prosecutor. In late February, Republican Representative Darrell Issa said on HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher:

"You're going to need to use the special prosecutor's statute and office,  You can't just give it to your deputy. That's another political appointee."

Senator Jack Reed, the top Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee said, “You have the leader of the House Intelligence Committee, a former member of the Trump transition team, complicating his own investigation. We need a special prosecutor to unwind the web of connections, provide the American people with a clear, fact-based accounting, and serve justice.”

Republican Senator John McCain, Chairman ofthe Armed Services Committee,  didn't go as far as an independent prosecutor, but he has gone on record as saying he’d never seen anything like what Nunes did. “It continues on and on and on,” he said. “That’s the reason why we need a select committee to clear this whole issue up.”\

Former Vice President Joe Biden supported McCain's call for a 'select committee'.

Every day, for the past week, I hear and read reports echoing these same demands from various quarters.  I receive more and more petitions demanding an independent prosecutor.  The first battle has been won with the defeat by  forfeit of the health care bill.  It is now time to press hard on the next pressure point, starting the process of appointing an independent prosecutor.  The law reads that if a majority of the non-majority mebers of the Judicial Committee of either house of Congress requests the process beb started, then it must be started.  Please call your Senators and Representatives.  Links to their contact information are below.



p.s. - joke of the day - so called ruler of the united states = SCROTUS

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