Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Nunes trail of Poop

To paraphrase Steven Colbert, 'Nunes has his head so far up trump's butt that he will not come out of this smelling like a rose'.  Steven used a different term for the anatomical reference, but I don't want to hit you with that kind of language first thing, the image would be too vivid.

Last week, after James Comey testified in front of the House Intelligence Committee that the FBI had no information that supported trump's claim that President Obama had tapped trump's phones, Devin Nunes publicly requested that anyone who had information that might indicate otherwise, come forward.  Wow.......someone came forward.  Who?  No one knows ........ except for Nunes and his 'secret' source.  He won't even share the source with his Democratic counterpart on the committee, Adam Schiff.  His source told him that trump transition officials were recorded on phone calls that were targeting foreign officials.  Furthermore, the names of these trump associates show up in intelligence reports (oooooops).

Two days  after receiving this information, Nunes, first holds an impromptu news conference to reveal this information.  A few hours later puppet-spicer quotes Nunes from the impromptu press conference, in a press briefing.  Then later that afternoon Nunes goes to the White House, to d. j[ackass] about his findings.  After this meeting, trump emerges and says that he feels "somewhat" vindicated.  "Somewhat", mind you.

This past Monday, 3/27, it was reported that Nunes went to the White House grounds to receive this information in what is called a 'Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility', a room that meets 'rigorous security standards'.   He was very sleuth like in going to this rendezvous.  He switched cars and 'ditched' his aides.  Despite this venue, the White House and Nunes have denied that there has been no collusion between the White House and Nunes. The 'White House' has said that it is possible for Nunes, or any House representative for that matter, to come onto the White House grounds without administration officials knowing about it.  puppet-spicer's comment on this was, “I don’t know that members of Congress need to be cleared”.  What a load of horse shit!  

This past Tuesday, when reporters askedNunes if he would continue to guide the House intel committee's efforts to investigate the whole Russia, trump, wire tap thing, his response was, "why would I not".  Well here's a few reasons from some of his colleagues in Congress and fellow Republicans.

On CBS This Morning, John McCain said, “something’s got to change,  otherwise, the whole effort in the House of Representatives will lose credibility.”

On NBC's Today Show, this past Tuesday, Senator Lindsey Graham said that Nunes was bumbling his way through something of an “Inspector Clouseau investigation,”
A Republican insider who once worked closely with Nunes described him as an “overeager goofball” and that he can't see  “the line between ingratiating and stupid.” 

But forget about these comments, lets get down to, as James Brown used to say, let's "get down to the brown".   Nunes worked on trumps transition team.  There is no doubt that these are partisan issues.  There is no doubt that trumpy boy has the ability to cause distraction around these hearings in the Congress.  Not only does trump use these distractions to shift focus off of him, but he also uses those same distractions to keep the focus on the investigation so that other legislation and activities can sneak under the radar. You know, like House bill H.R. 861, introduced on 2/3, to abolish the EPA.  No, trump did not introduce the bill, nor did anyone in the administration, but having the distraction of all this crap, certainly let that bill slip under my radar and I believe many others' as well.

As has been said over and over by a growing number of people, we, the American people, need an independent prosecutor to investigate these allegations.  We need it so we can believe the results.  We need it so the Congress can do its job instead of that of a full time investigator.  We need it so we can see trump's tax returns; to see if they reveal activities which his continued involvement in his businesses would make illegal.  In essence, we need it so trump can be impeached and removed from office.  We need it to save our country and to "make America great again".

As I end this post, I need to pay recognition to the Huffington Post and to the New York Times for their articles, which helped me piece together the trail of poop that Nunes left from the halls of Congress, right over to the Oval Office.

for that rendezvous with an unnamed source last week, he switched cars and ditched aides, vanishing into the night.

 McCain said on “CBS This Morning” that “something’s got to change.”
“Otherwise,” he continued, “the whole effort in the House of Representatives will lose credibility.”

defiant when asked by reporters on Capitol Hill on Tuesday whether he would continue to guide that effort, saying, “Why would I not?”

All of this is irregular enough to peg him as a puppet of the Trump administration or a complete boob. Either way, he has surrendered his investigation’s integrity — and his own.

A Republican insider who once worked closely with him described him to me as an “overeager goofball” who can’t see “the line between ingratiating and stupid.” 

Spicer is right that we’re obsessed with Russia,

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