Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Children in the White House

I'm not going to address trump's speech to a joint session of Congress last night.  What I have to talk about is children in the White House, children in the Oval Office.  goebbels-conway, she's just laughable.  trump on the other hand.......I've had it.  he's gone too far. This is the last straw.

First I'll dispatch the issue with goebbels-conway.  What barn was she brought up in?  Here she is at an official White House function, in the Oval Office.  I don't think that she consciously tried to be disrespectful, I just think she's white trash and doesn't have the presence of mind or the manners to behave properly in a
formal setting. It really doesn't matter to me that she 'apologized', especially since it was accompanied by her blaming a “vicious” journalist for causing problems. She wasn't apologizing because she knew she had not comported herself properly, she apologized because she was caught. When I managed laborers in a difficult union, they would blame me when I had to write them up for improper behavior. They always refused to see that they had done something wrong.  'Look what you did to me'.

Secondly, I want to note that a picture speaks a thousand words and that "every picture tells a story, don't it". I don't need a thousand words to tell you that she looks like a spoiled little girl in daddy's office, besides looking trashy.

Not Released (NR)

Now........about trump.  Again, this is it, I've had it.  This guy is in a city with many of the best restaurants in our country.  Where does he go for his first dinner out as the head administrator........his hotel, down the street to the steak house he rents space to, BLT Prime by David Burke.  Ok, he's feeling a little intimidated by sophisticated food and in he's in a strange town.  But jeezo peezo a New York Strip well done with ketchup.  That's it!  I'm not sure which is more repugnant to me, burning the steak or putting ketchup on a steak.  I mean, the last time I put ketchup on a steak, I was .....oh, now I get it........I was ten years old.  Of course, chef made it look fancy with a schmear of ketchup on the plate.  I 'm willing to bet he asked for the bottle...........of ketchup that is.  I don't think the artistic presentation was enough ketchup.

See, look at that piece he's putting in his mouth.   There's not a hint of pink in that meat.  The cattle ranchers in our country must be sickened by this picture.

This is all good fun, but there is a point here.  We currently have a bunch of children in the White House, running our country.  Down in their core, they are children.  It's fine if they are still kids, but it's not ok that they're running our, OUR country.  What we need to do to him is the same thing he is doing to that piece of meat.........stick a fork in him, he's done..........overdone!

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