Sunday, March 26, 2017

Three Party System

"What we have here is failure to communicate"  Cool Hand Luke

"Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose."  "that which we call a rose by any other name would smell [you can fill in the blank]" Gertrude Stein & William Shakespeare
'let's call a spade a spade'

To "call a spade a spade" is a figurative expression which refers to calling something "as it is", that is, by its right or proper name, without "beating about the bush"—being outspoken about it, truthfully, frankly, and directly, even to the point of being blunt or rude, and even if the subject is considered coarse, ...

Call a spade a spade - Wikipedia

Here's the good news, we now have three parties.  Here's more good news, the third party is a party within a party.  The Republican party is really, now, a coalition of the 'regular' Republicans and the 'Freedom Caucus' republicans.  The health care debacle has completely exposed two separate voting blocks within the Republican held House of Representatives.  So.....let's call a spade a spade.  The Freedom Caucus is flexing its muscle.  If they do not like what their republican sisters and brothers are layin' down, then they ain't gonna be pickin' it up.

trump, in his vast stores of wisdom and intellectual prowess has blamed the 'failure' to pass the American Health Care Act on Democrats.  he is upset because the Democrats did not give the legislation even one vote.  Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh.  This guy either has difficulty with basic math or thinks that we Americans lack the ability to perform basic math.  Hmmmmmm, let's see, 465 seats in the House, 5 seats vacant, leaving 460 voting seats.  The Democrats have 188 of those 460 seats.  I don't even have to do the subtraction to know that the Republicans have an extremely large voting advantage in the current House.  My name is Bill and I'm wondering just how 'gula-bill' trump thinks I am.

trump has blamed the failure to garner enough votes on partisan politics.  As much as I hate to write these words, he's right.  There are now three parties in the House, and they all voted along their respective party lines.  When President Obama was in the White House, Republicans walked in lock step, and as far as I'm concerned, for no other reason than he was 'black'.  Now Democrats are marching the same way, but for a much better reason, because trump is immoral.  The third party, the Freedom caucus, will not break ranks because they view the world in a very simplistic black and white manner and will not budge off of their view, much like a child before the child's brain matures.

If this trend continues, I believe that the House will be in grid lock until its makeup changes.  I also believe that the majority in the House will be changing drastically in 2018 with an overwhelming shift to a Democratic majority.  Then and only then will we be seeing legislation of  any substance and consequence move through the House.

I am not Nostradamus.  I am not a prophet.  I do believe that there will be no significant legislation passed through the House until after the 2018 mid term elections.  Time will tell.  Also, this health care bill was a battle, it was not the war.  The war will only be won when trump is removed from office along with all of the other trash.

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