Thursday, March 23, 2017

trump Has It All Wrong ..... Surprise

Today, a vote is planned in the House, on the health care bill proposed by Paul Ryan.  trump has been speaking with Republican members of the House and has been telling them that their jobs will be in jeopardy in 2018 if they do not pass this bill.  The new York Times (NYT) has reported that:

"at a private meeting with House Republicans at the Capitol, the president also delivered a blunt warning that many of those present would lose their seats in next year’s midterm congressional elections if the effort failed.

“I’m going to come after you,” Mr. Trump told Representative Mark Meadows, Republican of North Carolina, a prime holdout and the chairman of the conservative Freedom Caucus

[A]ccording to several people in the room who described his comments on condition of anonymity because the session was private, [trump is quoted as having said] “I believe Mark and his group will come along, because honestly, a loss is not acceptable, folks.”"

Then the article noted that Representative Mo Brooks, an Alabama Republican and a member of the Freedom Caucus is quotaed as having said:

“I think if we do do this, we lose the majority,”

Well, I believe that they are both right and they are also both wrong.  It really will not matter if they pass this bill or if they do not, because the energy to turn out the Republican majority in 2018 has been set in motion, has tremendous energy and that energy is only growing.  If this bill is voted down, the results of the mid term election in 2018 will still see the Democrats taking the majority.  Passing the bill will only place more fuel on the fire that is powering the engine of change that will surely occur in 2018.

 There are 435 seats in the House.  Five of those seats are vacant, 193 are Democrats and 237 are Republican.  This means that there are 430 representatives voting.  A majority will be 216 votes.  The Republican vote count as of last night per the NYT is as follows:

- 149 Support the bill or lean yes

- 44 Undecided or unclear

- 15 Concerns or lean no

- 29 No

Assuming that all 188 Democrats vote against the bill and we only look at the 29 definite 'no' votes shown above, that makes the count 217 votes against  against and 213 for.  We'll know this evening how it actually went.

In the mean time, I wanted to share how I feel about this 'healthcare' bill and about trump

Image result for new puking emoji

Enough said!

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