Monday, March 20, 2017

Distraction upon Distraction upon Distraction upon ........

In the voice of Lili von Shtupp of Blazing Saddles fame:

I'm tired, tired of being distracted
It seems like it's so protracted 
I'm tired

I've heard it thousands of times
Line after line
and it's always, always the same

Their always talking then balking
 And balking then walking
And it seems like a cryin' shame
Right folks?

I'm tired, tired of being distracted
It seems like it's so protracted 
God damn it........I'm tired

I mean........let's look at this guano.

d. j[ackass] keeps throwing the wire tap crap out there to distract from so many things.  Investigations into his possible ties with Russia, the health care debacle, the twice failed travel and refugee ban, the fact that he has a leninist nazi white supemecist whispering in his ear and controlling the national Security Council, his twisted twit tweeting.  I'm sure there's more that the wire tap crap distracts from, but I'm missing it at the moment.  Now he's claiming that president Obama  had Britain do the tapping.......AGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!

Then there's goebells-conway (g-c).  trump has turned down her volume since the first few weeks, but he still employs her as a tool.  she opens her mouth and spews out the most ridiculous content.  Nothing she says makes any sense.  None of what she says has any basis in reality, fact or logic.  her modus operandi is to distract from EVERYTHING by placing her confused thought processes out on the table.  trump recognizes that g-c does not have the ability to think with any amount of logic, knows that she will say anything just to hear herself talk and that she loves to use her confused mind to argue with the media.  So, he throws her out there when he really wants to muddle all of our minds.

trumpy boy has been using the travel and refugee ban to distract us from whatever else is going on at the moment.  Health care, budget, Russia.  Then he tweets to distract us from the travel / refugee ban;  he's going to the Supreme Court, he doesn't go to the Supreme Court.

Communication is vital to administering our country.  I know........ let's hire a completely incompetent idiot to be our press secretary; puppet-spicer (p-s).  This guy cannot put a coherent sentence together unless it is written on paper for him and even then he doesn't read it without sounding like a broken robot.   There's a distraction for ya.

Here's a cute little tid bit from this past Sunday's talking head shows.  Mulvaney, director of the Offiice of Management and Budget,  on face the nation when talking about the 'budget' proposal; "[w]e had special interests at play on The Hill. We had lobbyists at play on The Hill. The president wrote this budget without consideration for those things, without being beholden to anybody except the people, and that’s who this budget is written for."  Again with the feeding us crap method.  This budget was written for who?  Oh......I get it, it's written for anyone that owns an interest in the weapons industry (I don't want to use the old hackneyed phrase 'military industrial complex').  Those are the "people".  But we'll try to sell it to the chumps that elected us.  They'll buy that shit.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but what about those two pages of 2005 worthless tax returns that showed up in Rachel Maddow's mail box.  You don't think d. j[ackass] had anything to do with that tripe, do ya (by the way, I like tripe, so I'm sorry I'm degrading it by using it in a derogatory manner on trump)?

Saying something is so and that's supposed to make it so.  Fake news.  Alternative facts. Not releasing taxes to cause distraction for other issues.  Using other issues to distract from taxes.  Using taxes and other issues to distract from possible ties with Russia.  You could lose your mind!  

When trump was a child, I'm willing to bet he heard the story of The Boy who Cried Wolf and said to himself......'oh......what a great way to have fun and confuse people ....... and hide the truth'.

This all sounds overwhelming.  I have spoken with many people who feel overwhelmed.  I mean...... as I type this, he's only been the head admin for two months and a few hours, but it feels like it's been a lot longer.  For me the key is (and I lose sight of this sometimes) to define what the issues are for myself, filter out trump's and goebells-bannon's horse dung, and keep my eye on the balls that I define need to be payed attention to.  And advise that all of us do the same.

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