Friday, March 24, 2017

$h!t or Get Off the Pot

Congress has shown themselves to be chicken $h!ts.  The Republican majority tried to ram rod this ill conceived,not well researched or well prepared health care bill, through Congress.  How'd that work out yesterday.  But wait, they are supposedly having a vote today.  Why?  Because trump seems to think that he runs the Congress.  Per a NBC report, early this morning:

"Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney made clear Thursday evening that President Donald Trump is done negotiating on the hotly-debated health care bill and wants a vote on Friday."

This is according to a source in the closed door session with Freedom Caucus representatives and other GOP House members.  The article goes on to say that 

"[a] senior administration source confirm[ed] to NBC News the "very definitive, very clarifying" message from the president and the administration's intention to move on — should the health care bill fail to move forward — to other matters"

trump, of course, tweeted on twit (my new name for twitter) as follows:

President Trump

Disastrous #Obamacare has led to higher costs & fewer options. It will only continue to get worse! We must #RepealANDReplace. #PassTheBill
8:26 PM - 23 Mar 2017

I find this tone disconcerting.  I wasn't aware that the administrator dictated to Congress what is to be voted on or when it is to be voted on.  If Paul Ryan intends to be that much of a lap dog for trump and goebbels-bannon (g-p), he should come right out and say so.  Otherwise, he needs to grow a set and tell trump, to his face and through the media that he, Paul Ryan, sets the agenda for the House, not trump.

Now, by the way, I'm hear to tell you that it will not matter whether it's the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) or the American Health Care Act (trump Care or Ryan Care, your choice), what trump tweeted will be the case.  And why is that Bill, you might ask?  It's simple.  Private insurance companies have no business being put in charge of insuring people that are not in a financial position to purchase insurance.  This country, our country, has reached a place with reference to the large divide between the 'haves' and the 'have nots', where all of us must create the pool of funds necessary to take care of the 'have nots'.  

As businesses, health insurers, are not going to create that pool of funds without exacting a heavy toll on everyone.  Insurers are in business to make a profit, not to care for people.  Conversely, one of the tasks that our government is commanded to perform in the preamble of the Constitution is to "promote the 
general Welfare".  There is no greater aspect of the general Welfare than the health of "we, the people".  Without a healthy population, "Justice, .... domestic Tranquility, [and]  the common defence" would be superfluous.  Our government is tasked with caring for us.  Our government is us; by the people, of the people and for the people.  Having a single payer system for the 'have nots' would have those citizens be part of the largest insured pool and would therefore drive the cost of health care down due to economies of scale and greater (if not the greatest) bargaining power.  

This is a no brainer!!  And yet with the lack of brains in D.C., those that are legislating and administering our country seem to have less brains then none.  They have negative brains.  Just like 'men' who become enamored with a woman for sexual reasons, these people are thinking with the 'wrong head'.  The head they are thinking with is that, that speaks to their ability to receive campaign funds from health insurance companies.  Our representatives are not serving us, they are serving the health insurers and ultimately, they think, themselves.  Fortunately for us, they will soon learn that thinking with the wrong head does not yield the selfish results they are attempting to achieve.

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