Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Attempt to Abolish the EPA

Ya knooooowww ...... I mean ya knooooooww, I was going to discuss Nunes, some more, today.  You know, his "postponement" of the intell committee hearing yesterday (cancellation, more like it), but then I saw the following:


To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018."

Now, excuse my crass language here, but what asshole proposed this? Freshman Florida representative Republican Matt Gaetz, and co-sponsored by three other Republicans: Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Steven Palazzo of Mississippi and Barry Loudermilk of Georgia, that's who. was multiple assholes!

This bill was introduced on 2/3/17 and it completely slipped under my radar.  I apologize.  I try to keep my finger(s) on the pulse of as much as I can, but I missed this one.  I started to do some research and found an NBC article that gave an overview of the representatives that submitted this abomination.

First, Matt Gaetz, the author.  The article gave a twit tweet as follows:

Matt Gaetz
about 2 months ago

To better protect the environment we should abolish the EPA and downstream resources to states for more effective & efficient protection.…/congressman-gaetz-wants-to-ab…

Oh......I get it, air and water stop at state boarders.  I didn't know that.  How frikin' dumb can I be?  Well maybe it's not me that's stupid.

Now the other three co-sponsors.  Barry Loudermilk; again another dunce that seems to think that air and water stop at his state's boarder and has no effect on other states.  I also am guessing that he thinks that other states will adhere to stringent regulation levels, so that his state won't get any 'bad' air or water if it happens to cross into his state.  Even more to the point, he must be sure that if any of that 'bad' stuff comes into his state, that his state has the resources to clean it up.  Yeah, right, sure!!

Barry Loudermilk

.@IndivisibleGA11 The GA EPD would do much better protecting the environment than a big DC bureaucracy #Federalism
2:38 PM - 4 Feb 2017

Next up......Thomas Massie from Kentucky.  It's a swing and a miss.  Massie's voting history indicates disdain and disregard for the EPA . He recently voted to overturn a rule that limited methane emissions from federal land, and he has previously co-sponsored legislation to reduce the number of bodies of water included in the Clean Water Act

The last butt head is Steven Palazzo.  He's more concerned about our country's bloated defense budget.  Here's a twit tweet from 2013: 
Cong. Steven Palazzo

Would you rather Congress protect wasteful EPA spending or stop damaging across-the-board defense cuts?: #CutWaste
2:11 PM - 22 Feb 2013

Any possibility of this bill passing must be squashed immediately. What alerted me to this whole debacle was a petition this morning on my phone when I woke up. Here are four that all of us can sign. I will also be calling my representative in the House.  I am also including a link to contact information for House members.  Please call your representative.

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