Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Jared Kushner

You know the old saying; "all roads lead to Rome"?  Well historians may adjust that saying to 'all roads lead to Moscow', when the trump administration is discussed in the future.

Yesterday afternoon I heard an NPR report that jared kushner volunteered to speak with the Senate Intelligence Committee.  The report noted that the White House said kushner has nothing to hide.  I decided I'd look into this, with my assumption being that he really didn't have anything to hide and that is why trump was offering him up.  My research this morning indicates a chronology that doesn't seem to back up my thinking and at the same time may make trump and kushner wish they hadn't done this.  It also may, just may, point to the possibilities that Russia is unhappy with trump and is starting to 'blackmail' him.

My research led me to a NBC article that was posted yesterday, 3/27, at 3:18 pm. It noted that, "trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks told NBC that Kushner "doesn't have anything to hide."   The article went on to say that puppet-spicer told reporters that kushner said, with relation to his role during the trump transition period, "hey I'm glad to talk about the role that I played and the individuals that I met with".  Up to this point in time we know that kushner spoke with the Russian Ambassador during the transition.  But that was as of last night.

This morning, Reuters published an article at 7:18 am with the following information:

"A Russian bank under Western economic sanctions over Russia's incursion into Ukraine disclosed on Monday that its executives had met Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and a top White House adviser, in December.

Kushner previously acknowledged meeting the Russian ambassador to Washington last December and only on Monday did it emerge that executives of Russian state development bank Vnesheconombank (VEB) had talks with Kushner during a bank roadshow last year."

In an email statement, VEB said that as part of its preparing a new strategy, its executives met representatives of financial institutes.  The email goes on to read that meetings were held with representatives of the some of the world's largest banks and businesses including kushner Companies.  VEB  declined to say where or when these meetings took place.
As of this morning when Reuters published this article there was no comment from kushner.


So again we have an attitude of disregard  for the law.  There were sanctions in place with reference to VEB and kushner had business discussions with them.  Also, as I noted above, we may have a form of blackmail going on here.  Here's the last piece of today's puzzle.  VEB is a state run bank and the chairman, who by the way met with kushner, has a relationship with Putin.  CNN reported the following:

"The Russian bank chairman who met with Jared Kushner in December isn't your ordinary banker.
His state-run bank has been under US sanctions for nearly three years.   
He was appointed to his job by Russian President Vladimir Putin after eight years at Russia's biggest state-owned commercial bank."

So, why did this bank, VEB, make this revelation about kushner at this particular point in time?  This is the very reason why the Emoluments clause exists and why these types of activities are reasons for not receiving security clearance.

Right now, it seems that more and more roads do lead to Moscow.

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