Saturday, March 25, 2017

Racism, Violence and trump

'Hey......look at me!!!!!!  I'll say and do anything to have all of the attention stay focused on me.  I'll prove it':

“We had no Democratic support,” [t]rump said from the Oval Office. “They weren’t going to give us a single vote.”

"“Look, we got no Democratic votes. We got none, zero,” [ ] [t]rump said in a telephone interview he initiated with The New York Times."

Well, I don't call him d. j[ackass] for nothin'.  But I'm not going to dwell on the obvious fact that trump/Ryan Care was the republican's bill to loose.  The Republican's have an overwhelming majority in the House and they couldn't pass a bill that was introduced by their Speaker of the House and strongly lobbied for and supported by their administrator, little lord trumpy boy.

Nope, that's not what I'm going to focus on today, but unfortunately what I will write about does involve trump to a small extent. I'll start by noting that trump said, during the presidential campaign, that he could, "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."  This is the very type of language that, at that time, concerned me due to the influence it could have over at least one, if not more, sick and stupid idiots.  Words are powerful if the person speaking them has a powerful platform to speak them from.  The position of a presidential  candidate is such a platform, even if the person on that platform is obviously deranged.  In fact, because d. j[ackass] is mentally ill, he has a voice that speaks to other sick individuals.
Late on Monday night, 3/20, a white male from the Baltimore Metro area, stabbed a black male twice with a 26 inch sword, in New York City (NYC).  James Harris Jackson, 28 years old, stabbed Timothy Caughman, 66 years old, once in the chest a second time in the back.  Caughman was able to stagger into a near by police precinct, was taken to the hospital and died shortly afterwards from his wounds.  Jackson turned himself in 25 hours after the attack, just after midnight on Wednesday 3/23, because he saw his photo in media reports.

In both the FOX report and an article in the Baltimore Sun, Authorities reported that Jackson "told police he'd harbored feelings of hatred toward black men for at least 10 years."

Also per both news outlets' reports:

- [Jackson]traveled to New York on March 17 and had been staying in a Manhattan hotel.

- "The reason he picked New York is because it's the media capital of the world, and he wanted to make a statement," [Assistant Chief William] Aubrey said.

- Investigators said they believed Jackson was considering other attacks but surrendered after noticing his photo in media reports.

The above photo is of Jackson, in custody of the NYPD.  My impression, when looking at this person's face was immediately that of belligerence. Pure, unadulterated belligerence. This photo is from a New York Times article. All three articles noted that Jackson chose NYC because "his goal was to draw the widest possible attention to his murderous plan."

Jackson was arraigned on Thursday in Supreme Court in Manhattan and charged with second-degree murder as a hate crime. He is being held without bail. At the arraignment, Joan Illuzzi, the prosecutor, said that "Jackson was particularly offended by black men who were with white women." Illuzi told the judge that additional charges may be filed, including murder in the first degree, “as this is an act, most likely, of terrorism.”

Sam Talkin, Jackson's defense lawyer pointed out that if the information put forth by the authorities is accurate, they will have to deal with Jackson’s “obvious psychological issues.”

This last quote is where I stop looking up information about this horrific crime and start to ask some questions and make some observations.

Psychological issues?  It could be said that anyone that commits murder has 'psychological issues'.  But, let's put the proverbial shoe on the  proverbial other foot.  Let's say a young black male, holes up in a Courtyard Hotel in some affluent, mostly white, suburb, for a few days and then goes out into the neighborhood and randomly stabs a 66 year old white male with a 26 inch sword in the chest and the back.  Do you really think that that young black male's psychological state would be any kind of a factor at all?  Do you really think that the defendants attorney would even mention it?  I don't think so, how about you?  Be honest!

So, how does this relate back to d. j[ackass] trump.  Easy enough to see.  Although he is not the cause of racism in our country, he certainly has sent a loud message to racists that it's okay.  I haven't heard a peep out of  the White House, out of trump.  not even a ........ dare I say it .......... a tweet!  If trump were to attempt, and I mean attempt, to at the very very least present himself as a moral person, he would have 'said' something by now.  But, at least he is being honest about who and what he is, a racist son of a bitch.  Good going jackass!

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