Sunday, March 12, 2017

Georgia's 6th Congressional District Special Election

Less than two months into trump's administration, we are at the beginning of the first test of our power to oppose him at the ballot box.  By appointing Tom Price to be the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), trump opened up the House seat in Georgia's 6th congressional district.  To give you an insight into the how this district usually votes, this was Newt's district from 1977 to 1997.  Get the picture?

Georgia is having elections to fill this seat.  In the special election, all candidates will run on one ballot. If no candidate earns 50% of the vote, a runoff election will be held on June 20 for the first- and second-place finishers.  The special election [will] be held on April 18.

As of Friday, 3/10, there are eleven Republicans and five Democrats declared and vying for this seat.  Now, to be perfectly frank, I really could care less which Democrat either wins out right with more than 50% of the vote or who comes in 1st or 2nd without 50% of the votes, as long as there is a Democrat in that mix.  

Currently, the name that is getting a lot of nationwide recognition is a young man named Jon Ossoff.  Ossoff is 30 years old and has never held an elected office.  He was previously a Congressional aide.  He is currently a film maker.  The fact that he's a film maker shouldn't scare anyone off, after all former film maker gobbels-bannon holds a powerful position in the current administration.  

So, what has brought Jon Ossoff to the fore.  He has made an online pitch , calling for voters to “Make Trump Furious”.  I do not know that this on line pitch is solely responsible, but reports have it that Ossoff has quickly amassed  appoximately $3 million.  This figure is per Ossoff's campaign.  I do know that ActBlue, a Political Action Committee (PAC) is also raising funds for Ossoff, because I contributed to his campaign through ActBlue.  

There are five weeks before the 4/18 special election and here is the problem that I see.  This is a very republican district.  It's great that eleven republicans are currently beating up on each other for the Republican votes, but the five Democrats cannot afford that luxury.  As was shown in the Maryland congressional primary in 2016,  when David Trone spent over $11 million of his own money in an unsuccessful bid to be the Democratic nominee for the 8th congressional district, money isn't everything.

I truly believe that the issue that will have the greatest effect on voters is the issue of ethics.  That is not to say that other key issues should be ignored, but if Ossoff hammers away at ethics and behaves ethically, he will go a long way towards achieving his and our goal.  We the decent and moral people of America will fund him, will support him. but it's up to him to do the leg work of speaking to as many voters as possible.  This is now his full time job and he has the funds to go at it from waking at sunrise until 10 or 11 at night, seven days a week.  Churches on Sunday's will be key.

Some of the actions that Ossoff can take to press on ethics and to be ethical are to:

   - release his past seven years' tax returns, immediately.  
   - press the point that the american nazi party and the kkk are not acceptable to decent and moral people and then make the association between these two groups and goebbels-bannon and therefore trump.  Even though this district is in the heart of kkk country, a northern suburb of Atlanta, he can show no fear and must hammer away at this issue.
   - he must directly challange all of his republican opponents to explicitly disavow any support for trump.  If they won't or can't, then hammer away at those republican candidates for their lack of moral fiber.
   - Challange all of his Republican opponents to release their tax returns for the past seven years as he has dome, immediately

This suburb of Atlanta is middle class and educated.  They do not want to support immorality, they just need it put in front of them.  Ossoff must hammer away at the subject of ethics and morality, but he must do so without being vitriolic.  That being said, he must also be very firm and not dissuaded from  talking about this issue over and over and over again.  At every event, at every meet and greet in neighborhood homes, at every door that he knocks on, at every diner that he goes to and with every person he speaks to.

My goal is to attempt to contact Jon Ossoff, relay these ideas and let him know that I and millions of Americans support him.

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