Monday, March 6, 2017

Disarray in DOJ

It appears as though the Department of Justice (DOJ) is having issues with itself and with trump.  It appears that there is a little war going on, but appearances can be deceiving.

Saturday morning trump tweeted that President Obama had trump wire tapped.

Donald J. Trump

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
6:35 AM - 4 Mar 2017

Donald J. Trump

How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!
7:02 AM - 4 Mar 2017

Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what's going on.  goebbels-bannon is attempting to distract Americans and the media that does their due diligence from the growing concerns about the trump campaign's possible contacts with Russian officials.  Trump (oooooops, I meant goebbels-bannon)  is obviously feeling the pinch.  They have offered no evidence, credible or otherwise, that President Obama did what trump's tweets accuse him of.

Yesterday, the New York Times reported that James Comey, head of the FBI, has requested that the DOJ reject the claim that trump's tweets make.  Comey is of course not pleased.  The 'allegation', if true, would mean that the FBI tapped trump's phone(s) illegally, since there are no records that show a subpoena being issued for such an activity.

If you remember, last week, reince priebus asked James Comey to disavow reports about trump's campaign and Russian officials,  as noted in A Crack in the Independent Prosecutor Wall

White House chief of staff reince priebus contacted top FBI officials, including FBI Director James Comey, and asked them to “publicly knock down media reports about communications between [d]onald [t]rump's associates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign.” The FBI refused.

There is some obvious in-fighting going on here, but what is really going on, as has been noted before, is distraction.  Distraction from Russia is obvious.  Distraction from an administration in disarray.  Or maybe an administration that wants to appear as though it is in disarray, which would be another layer of distraction.  Distraction from the new/revised travel ban that was signed today, in the hopes of avoiding the protests that occurred with the first attempt.

But, I believe this is the real purpose.  I have no proof and I'll say that right up front.  This is just a belief on my part.  goebbels-bannon knows that the media that is truly reliable and works hard to corroborate the information they find, from 2nd and third sources without leading their sources, perform the real gum shoe work of journalism.  he knows these journalists name names when they can, but protect their sources if needs be.  Not only to protect the individual(s), but to ensure that the flow of information from knowledgable and reliable sources continues and does not dry up.  These journalists perform their due diligence.  What goebbels-bannon is doing is playing these decent journalists like cats with a cat toy.  Some sort of information comes to light, from what ever source (like a tweet from the twit) and good journalists are obligated to track down the story and report their findings to the public.  Here's some information here.  There's something someone said over there.  Oh look at this over in the corner.  Woooooo, your missing the good stuff right in the center of the floor.  The cat chases the fluffy toy on the string and in doing so, misses the meat.  In the mean time the real purveyors of "fake" news place some dung on a plate and feed it to the ignorant masses.  By real "fake" news I'm talking about stories like pizzagate.  Stories like these from breitbart:

Can automatic facial recognition systems account for aging?

Early humans shaped the Amazon by planting trees for food and shelter
Thank goodness that the ignorant masses are the minority.  And thank goodness for the in-fighting in the DOJ.  It slows them down from doing the destructive things that sessions, trump and goebbels-bannon want to do.

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