Saturday, April 15, 2017

Bombs Away

*********** Dear Readers, Sorry for the late post, I fell asleep while proof reading ***********

In the past seven days, trump has laid out his foreign policy stance.  I'm not saying that the two targets and the third target that is now in trump's cross hairs are worthy of respect, they're not.  But, trump is continuing to demonstrate to all of the nations on our small globe, that he is erratic and reactionary.  trump can say whatever he wants this or that, about showing America's resolve, about sending a message that America means business, but the the people of the world are seeing him on the same scale as Assad, Putin and Kim Jong-un.

As we all know, trump ordered the firing of 59 Tomahawk missiles at the military airbase that allegedly launched the aircraft that allegedly dropped chemical weapons on a civilian population last week (trump is really good a 'firing').  trump had the Tomahawks launched less than three days after the incident.  Both the incident and the trump reaction are known facts without dispute, not alleged.  "According to US officials [ ] [t]rump acted from his gut after seeing horrific pictures of child victims in Idlib."  Yes, the videos were extremely difficult to watch, but the president is hired by the American people to keep his cool under pressure.By the way, I did not just refer to trump as the 'pr' word.  he has not proven himself to be cool under pressure and I still maintain that he is an administrator at best.  Again, I am in no way supporting Assad.  I am, however, supporting hard nosed diplomacy as a new administration's foreign policy takes shape, with the option of 'pulling the trigger' as a later option that is made clear as an option during that diplomatic process.

Fast forward to a few days later.  d.j[ackass] orders a strike in Afghanistan that has no direct provocation from its target.  Once again, I will note that ISIS, the target, is no friend of mine.  But, the worlds population is watching and that is important to how we are perceived in our world.  What the people of other nations see is a crazy guy dropping a bomb with no specific reason.  Not only is it a bomb, it is the most powerful bomb in the our arsenal, short of a nuclear weapon.  The alleged result, 36 ISIS fighters killed.  I say alleged, because this bomb has a one mile destructive radius (2 mile diameter), and the assessment of the results was reported one day later with out any verification process by humans at the site.  I'm not convinced that a bomb with this kind of destructive power didn't kill any civilians.  Just because the Pentagon says so, doesn't make it so.

Now, this Sunday is an important holiday in North Korea.  It is the 105th aniversary of the birth of North Koreas founder, Kim Il-sung.  The holiday is known as Founder's Day and is always accompanied by displays of military might.  There have been satellite observations of a good deal of activity at the site where North Korea performs nuclear tests.  The assumption being made is that Kim Jong-il will detonate a nuclear device on Sunday or shortly before or after.  And............again, North Korea is no friend of mine.  I am in no way defending North Korea.  But, and this is a big, big but, if trump launches a military action against North Korea due to the test of a nuclear device, there will surely be a war.  North Korea will have been guilty of saber rattling and violating U.N sanctions against nuclear tests.  America will be guilty of firing live weapons and striking North Korea.  We will have thrown the first punch while North Korea is shadow boxing Who will be involved in the war besides our country and North Korea, I do not know, but have  no doubts, there will be a war.

trump has positioned an aircraft carrier fleet off the Korean peninsula.  This of course ratchets up the tension, but in conjunction with the bombs used in the past seven days, the likelihood of trump launching a unilateral strike on North Korea carries the weight of a definite possibility.

trump is displaying definite signs of mental instability. After a meeting with first responders yesterday (Thursday) at the White House, trump said, "Everybody knows exactly what happened and what I do is I authorize my military. We have the greatest military in the world and they've done their job as usual. So, we have given them total authorization."  I had no idea our military is trump's military.  I had no idea that trump was royalty as evidenced by the use of the word 'we' to refer to himself.

So, like my brother taught me when I was a boy, 'don't  throw the first punch, but make sure to throw the last one'.  trump does not seem to know about this good advice.

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