Thursday, April 13, 2017

goebbels-bannon Losing His Grip

The headline in the New York Times, for this online story reads, "[t]rump Undercuts [b]annon, Whose Job May Be in Danger".  NPR's online headline reads "[t]rump Signals [s]teve [b]annon Could Be On His Way Out".  The Washington Post has two headlines worth noting, "Inside [b]annon’s struggle: From ‘shadow president’ to [t]rump’s marked man" and "[t]rump just made some very strange comments about [s]tephen [b]annon".

To use the goebbe-bannon (g-b) vernacular, there's a 'war' in the White House.  There are most likely conflicts in philosophies in all administrations, but this administration seems to relish and thrive on conflict being out in the open.  I also believe that all new administrations have 'growing pains' and learning curves, but this has been much more than that.  It has been chaos that should never have taken place.  If the people who were hired by trump, from the top down, were competent and functional people, there would not be chaos.  This has obviously not been the case.

With reference to g-b, trump is continuing with his usual B.S. by saying things like “I am my own strategist”.   In an interview published in the New York Post on Tuesday, trump is quoted as having said to the interviewer:

"I like Steve, but you have to remember, he was not involved in my campaign until very late,  I had already beaten all the senators and all the governors, and I didn't know Steve. I'm my own strategist, and it wasn't like I was going to change strategies because I was facing crooked Hillary."

Well I guess he can say that because g-b is not the 'chief trump strategist', he's the 'chief White House strategist'. I mean, trump makes g-b the chief strategist and then says he's his own strategist. Sounds to me like g-b isn't the strategist.  Well.......d.j[ackass] has to be something, I guess.  I would also note that 'even more crooked trumpy boy by a long shot', just doesn't know how to keep his foul thoughts to himself.  

So, trump is now claiming that he didn't know g-b until he became the CEO of the trump campaign in August of 2016. Again.......what a load of B.S. It is clear that these two have known each other for about six years. trump's deputy campaign manager, David Bossie was interviewed by the Associated Press (AP) after trump took office and said that he introduced trump and g-b at trump tower in 2011. Even if that's not true, trump was interviewed by g-b on g-b's breitbart radio show many times. Records show that g-b interviewed trump at least nine times in 2015 and 2016 as well as trump family members and campaign workers.

trump continues to reveal himself as a sociopath. he does not know the difference between right and wrong. he's a liar and he lies to suit his purposes. he could still be on a path to fire g-b and be honest and honorable. Instead, as he does the right thing, removing g-b from the mix, he lies about it rather than telling the truth. Having brought g-b on board at such a high level, without knowing him, is bad 'business'. Lying about how long he knew g-b just reinforces the fact that trump is d.j[ackass] that he is easily seen as. Either way he continues to show himself as one of the most immoral persons to ever sit in the White House. I believe he is much more 'crooked' then Nixon.

As I noted, there are polarized factions in this young administration.  In his interview with the New York Post reporter, trump further said that. "[s]teve is a good guy, but I told them to straighten it out or I will."  The "they" that trump refers to is g-b and kushner (trump's son in-law).  

jivanka may be counselling 'daddy' that he will not retain power with the extreme stances he takes and therefore needs to purge g-b and make it look like he is moving to the center. Anyone who is fooled by this ploy should be fully ashamed of themselves. trump is who he is and at the age of 70 can not, will not, and is incapable of that amount of change for the rest of his years, much less in 75 to 80 days. In fact, I dare say that no human is capable of that kind of change in that short of a period of time. trump is a narcissist, he is a sociopath, he is a demagogue, he is erratic, he is reactionary (as opposed to a person who thinks and considers). trump is a very dangerous person. In fact, this whole g-b debacle clearly shows how erratic d.j[ackass] is.

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