Wednesday, April 19, 2017

What Happens When You Cry Wolf?

An official photograph dated April 15 and posted by the Navy shows the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson in an Indonesian strait thousands of miles south of North Korea.
MC2 Sean M. Castellano/U.S. Navy

One of my earliest lessons in life was the story about the boy that cried wolf.  You know ........ the one about the boy that wanted attention so he screamed that there was a wolf coming after him, and his parrents and others in the village came to his rescue, only to find that there was no wolf.  The boy continued to do this because he saw that it  got him the attention he was looking for, every time.  Well, almost every time.  There was that instance where he cried wolf and nobody came, because they were tired of his bull shit (ok, I wasn't taught that people were tired of his "bull shit", they were tired of his lying).  And of course that's when the wolf was really there.

On April 8th, The U.S. Pacific Command announced that the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson and its strike group had its visit to Australia cancelled and were ordered to "sail north and report on station to the Western Pacific Ocean."  Of course, little lord trumpy boy shot off his mouth and 'cried wolf' saying , "We are sending an armada, very powerful".  

Here we are, past what was being touted as a flash point on North Korea's important holiday, Founder's Day, and the only reason it was a flash point was because d.j[ackass] thought he was being 'cute' by using the media to fake out the world.  All media outlets ran this story for their own purposes, whether that was to be a cheer leader, to sound a note of caution or to simply report the 'news'.  So, who's guilty of putting fake news out there?  trump and the U.S. Navy (most likely based on orders from trump), that's who.  

So what's the problem with that Bill?  trump was just trying to confuse the North Koreans.  You know........if you think that the North Koreans were fooled, you simply don't know how surveillance works.  North Korea has air craft, don't ya think.  They are human's just like anyone else on the planet.  There are dumb North Koreans and smart North Koreans and all kinds of intelligence levels in between, just like all other humans.  They knew those ships weren't off the coast of the Korean Peninsula

The problem with crying wolf in international affairs is the same problem that the boy that cried wolf experienced.  Soon, some of the press won't send his message.  Belligerent dictators will stop feeling threatened and act out more boldly.  If trump wants to not telegraph his punches, he needs to simply shut up.

Now it's personal.  trump is playing fast and loose with my security, my safety.  If he thinks that his dumb ass 'art of the deal' crap is going to keep me safe, he's even dumber than i thought.  I would say he's as dumb as a rock, but i don't want to insult the rock.

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