Monday, January 9, 2017

trump is having a press conference on 1/11/17 !?!

Big news ........ trump is going to have a press conference on Wednesday 1/11/17 ........... supposedly.  I say 'supposedly' because, if you recall, there was a much ballyhooed and anticipated press conference that was set at the end of November 2016 for 12/15/16, but did not occur.

A few interesting statistics to note, here.  In 2000, G.W. Bush had eleven press conferences between his election and inauguration day.  In 2008, Barack Obama had eighteen press conferences between his election and inauguration day.  To date, with less than two weeks to go before inauguration day, trump has had how many press conferences?   Yep, you guessed it........ ZERO, a big fat ZERO!  In fact, it will be ten days prior to inauguration day, before he has his first, and what will most likely be his only press conference before inauguration day.

Here's another good one; as you can see from a trump tweet, below, it seems that if a person in trump's position doesn't have a press conference for 179 days, then that person should be "admonished" (big word for trump).  If trump were to wait eleven more days, until 1/21/17, he would have gone ........ 179 days without a press conference.  So, if he does have a press conference on 1/11/17, he will have gone 168 days.  Does that count as cause for admonishment, or is the official line in the sand 179 days?

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