Thursday, January 19, 2017

Looking Back, Experiencing the Present and Looking Forward

Today I want to address a few different topics.

On this, the last full day of his Presidency, I want to thank President Obama for his service to our country.  He has been a steady leader, and a true American.  He has acted as a moral compass for our nation and our people.  He, simply by his presence, has lifted the 'boats' of many.  He has been a firm hand around the world, holding to American values while working with other leaders.  He has had a forward looking vision regarding our planet's ability to sustain life.  He has put our country on a solid economic footing, after inheriting  one of the worst economic calamities in our country's history.  He has worked through his tenure while being obstructed at almost every turn, and has done so as a gentleman.  By the way, I want to point out that, in my opinion, there has been only one reason for the obstructionist environment that President Obama worked in, and that reason is because he is black.  Period.  Most of all, President Obama upheld his oath to "Preserve, protect and defend The Constitution of the United States"  I believe when historians look back on Barack Obama's Presidency, he will be regarded as one of the great Presidents of our country.

Tomorrow at noon, donald trump will take the same oath that all Presidents swear to.  he will "[affirm] that [he] will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of [his] ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."  he will then be our next administrator.  I would note that "the best of [his] ability" seems to be not very able at all.

trump has, without being sworn into office, already disregarded the First Amendment of our Constitution.  Tomorrow, during the inauguration, there will be thousands of protesters along the parade route.  I received an email this morning from The ANSWER Coalition, informing me that the media has been denied access to areas along the parade route where protesters have been granted permits to gather.  This directive came from the Secret Service, but let's be real, it came from trump.  This has never happened before, it is as 'they' say, unprecedented

The reason trump is doing this is obvious, he doesn't want the world to see that there is descent to his administration.  I have no doubts that the way he will 'play' the protests is to deny that they even occurred.  Any news that makes note of the protests, any reporting that may be done due to live video feeds from protester's phones will be labeled as "fake news" by trump.  he will lean into a microphone and say "never happened" and "lie".

More and more, there are actions being taken by trump or at the very least on trump's behalf by his staff (and I'm being kind here) that look a great deal like the USSR.

I will be at the protests tomorrow.  I will be at a protest site on Pennsylvania Avenue between 7th & 9th streets.  I will be filming the protests and if I can learn how to perform a live feed on Facebook or You Tube, I will do so.  I will post my report about the protests when I am done and have access to a computer.  I am looking forward to reporting on what I observe and the feelings I experience. .

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