Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Secret Service vs. Private Security

The U.S. Secret Service is a highly respected and extremely competent security force.  Most likely the best on this planet.  donald trump seems to have his mind set on using his own private security personnel.  So be it!  It is reported that he plans to pay his private security force from his own funds.  How honorable.

Not that I believe for a moment that what I am about to suggest will occur, but trump needs to be made to understand that he 'can't have his cake and eat it too'.  Even The President of our country has to understand this basic concept, and so, therefore, does trump as the admin.  In light of this I suggest the following; trump needs to use the Secret Service OR his own private security force.  First and foremost, he is placing the lives of dedicated civil servants at more risk by attempting to coordinate with private personnel.  On this point alone, it is clear that trump has no clue how the engine of government works.  It would be a wise response, to trump's idiotic behavior, for the Congress to pass a law that requires certain government officials be guarded by the Secret Service, going forward.

So, let's look at what it takes to secure the safety of, in this case, the lead admin for our country.  I do not pretend to know all of the aspects of such an operation, but I believe that the tasks listed are certainly part of the what needs to be done:

   - guards for trump and all of his family members
   - weapons
   - computer hardware and software infrastructure (including an IT department to administer the system)
   - secure communications network
   -  ground vehicles and insurance for vehicles and drivers
   - air support including aircraft, pilots, insurance for vehicles & pilots 
   - advance security teams to secure all venues outside of White House, including all other Federal buildings
   - secure all other properties that trump and his family live in, which includes trump tower
      - special note: trump tower is a private structure and as such merits no Federal protection if trump wants to use his own security personnel.  E.g. = air support against possible terrorist attacks by  aircraft
I'm sure that if I thought it through for a few more hours that I could identify many other functions that the Secret Service performs in order to secure the 'President', but this guy is just an admin, so maybe he doesn't need as much protection.

Some thoughts on the listed tasks:
   - Whatever communications network is set up must pass mustard by the Secret Service.
   - trump should be given the option of purchasing his own vehicles or renting the current vehicles in the Secret Service's inventory
   - trump should be given the option of purchasing his own aircraft for transportation and air support or rent them from whatever Federal agency provides the current inventory
   - I want to reiterate that trump tower and all other trump properties, world wide, are private property and therefore do not require Federal protection or over-site
   - As harsh is it may sound, if any of trump's family are captured, they may not be bargained for and U.S. troops should not be put in danger as long as they remain safe and in good health in their captors' hands
   - If trump's private security becomes involved in a fire fight and kills or injures private citizens, as collateral 'damage', the personnel involved need to be subject to criminal prosecution and trump needs to be charged as an accessory to the crime

This post is both serious and tongue in cheek.  Sometimes it's hard to tell with me.  I believe you, the reader, understands my point.

Per an NBC article the current costs of providing security for trump and his family is running at approximately $2 million per day from the Secret Service and $1 million per day being spent by the New York Police Department to secure trump tower.  Obviously the cost of securing trump and his brood will increase after the inauguration and will ramp up further during travel and heightened terror alerts.  Let's be nice and just give it a round number of $4 million per day (the average will most likely be greater).  Therefore, we the people, can save a lot of money and in fact invoice trump for a great deal, for equipment charges.  The savings should be approximately $1.46 billion per year.  :-)

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