Friday, January 27, 2017

Alternative Fact

Here's an 'alternative fact' for you, Hillary Clinton won the Presidential election on November 8, 2016 by 2.8 million votes. can this be, you ask?  This must be 'fake news' Bill.  You wouldn't pull our collective legs, would you Bill?  Well, to that, I say go ask Sean Spicer.  I'm sure we all know who he is by now.  You know, the puppet for the goebbels twins, steve and kelly.

When reporting on sean spicer's press conference on January 25, 2017, Pam Fessler of  National Public Radio noted that sean spicer "defended the need for a new  investigation [into voter fraud].  He said it would help to ensure that everyone's vote is counted equally".

Wow!  In essence, this currently would be un-Constitutional.  Everyone's vote is not counted equally and that is how our Constitution is written.  No amendment has rescinded this stipulation in the Constitution and therefore everyone's vote is not counted equally for The President of the United States.

Why in the world would spicer march his ass out in front of the press and spew this falsehood, this 'alternative fact'.  Oh........I get it,  the 2.8 million votes that trump LOST by were fraudulently cast, but the FACT that trump became the head admin of our country based on the current Constitution isn't enough for this narcissist, this megalomaniac.  It's all about 'winning' for trump.  If he believes he 'lost' by any method of counting up the marbles, then he cries.  Waaaaaaaaaa!  There's voter fraud.  Actual facts clearly show that according to MANY and almost all studies, it simply isn't true.  Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House doesn't buy it.  Hard core republican Lidsey Grahm not only doesn't buy it, he is demanding that trump make a statement that all votes cast were done so legally.  A study in the G.W. Bush Administration clearly showed there is no voter fraud.  A bi-partisan Congressional Investigation shows no voter fraud.  And best of all, trump is unable to present any evidence that there is voter fraud.  Simply because this jack ass says it's so, does not make it so.  (That is unless you follow the goebbels model......say it enough times and loud enough and people will believe it).

Of course this post is completely tongue in cheek and due to the ridiculous subject matter, will be a short one.  BUT, there is one real concern here; the way we as a country will decide to count votes, going forward.  Even puppet boy spicer can't seem to get away from the American ideal that we were all raised with; 'one person, one vote'.  I strongly support a Constitutional Amendment that abolishes the Electoral College.  To this end,  I have sent a "Proposed 28th  Amendment to the U.S. Constitution" on 1/8/17 to the majority and minority leaders of both houses as follows:

"So that each citizen's vote for The President of the United States  will be counted with equal weight, We the People of the United States hereby abolish the Electoral College in its entirety."

Although it makes me feel somewhat sick, it seems that spicer and I are on the same page.

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