Saturday, January 14, 2017

Proposed 29th Amendment - Congressional Term Limits

Section 1. No person shall be elected to The United States House of Representatives for more than nine (9) consecutive terms. For any Representative holding a seat when this article is proposed by the Congress, this article shall only apply upon ratification of this article as proscribed by Section 3, with the first term of the nine (9) consecutive terms to be upon the Representative being successfully elected after the ratification of this article.

Section 2. No person shall be elected to The United States Senate for more than three (3) consecutive terms. For any Senator holding a seat when this article is proposed by the Congress, this article shall only apply upon ratification of this article as proscribed by Section 3, with the first term of the three (3) consecutive terms to be upon the Senator being successfully elected after the ratification of this article.

Section 3. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission to the states by the Congress.

trump is a con man. As a con man, he preys on the less intelligent. One of his tactics has been to declare Washington D.C. a "swamp". For once, I agree with this ass, but again he is a con man, not a smart person. Staying with the swamp analogy, and making the assumption that we need a lake of fresh water to nourish ourselves, then f you drain a swamp, what do you get? I'll place this sentence here in order to give you a moment to think about the answer, before giving you my answer. What you get is dry land. No water. No lake. Just dry land. We need fresh water to drink, for proper nourishment.

How does a swamp become a lake? Draining the swamp is only part of the equation.  You also need a fresh supply of water.  In review, to have a healthy lake, it must have adequate drainage and at the same time a continual flow of fresh water into the lake.  trump wasn't willing to present the complete analogy, because his only motivation was to prey on the fears of the less intelligent elements of our society in order to get elected.  To be fair, trump did discuss Congressional term limits when interviewed on 60 minutes, but his battle cry (which is what reached those that elected him) was "drain the swamp".  Rhetoric!

In a New York Times article dated November 16, 2016, Mitch McConnell was quoted as saying, “I would say we have term limits now, they’re called elections. And it will not be on the agenda in the Senate." 
This is specious logic if you consider the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, restricting Presidential term limits.  By McConnell's logic, the 22nd Amendment should not exist.  Elections would be the term limits for any and all elected officials; Administrative or Legislative.  So...........let's cut the crap!

The above proposed 29th Amendment is based on the 22nd Amendment.  The limits that I propose are with the following thinking in mind.  In order for our country to attract the best and brightest minds to serve in public office, there needs to be sufficient motivation.  I believe eighteen years in office supplies that motivation and at the same time provides our country with a ‘fresh lake’ rather than a swamp  The era of elected officials being elected by a local political 'machine' and then parking themselves in that position until they are 'tired' of serving, needs to come to an end.  What's good for the goose (the Administrative branch) is good for the gander.

Please note that this is a proposed 29th Amendment because I have already made a proposed 28th Amendment regarding the abolishment of The Electoral College.

To this end, I am sending this proposal for a 29th Amendment to Mitch McConnell, Charles Schumer, Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi.

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