Thursday, January 26, 2017

Inclusive Politics?

Yesterday afternoon, I started to take some next steps beyond protest.  Don't worry though, I'll still be protesting in every way that I can.  I searched for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party & clicked on the first result.  The landing screen asked for my email address and my zip code.  Okay, I did that. The next screen was a bit of a surprise.   It asked for a donation.  It gave various dollar value options & one option that had a blank field for the user to define an amount.  There was no button to bypass the donation process.  I was not in a position to make a donation at this time so I placed a zero in the user definable field and pressed 'donate'.  Nope, that didn't work.  I was brought right back to the same screen.  Obviously,l I was going to have to donate money to gain access.  I was not happy!  I donated one dollar, but it will be a while before they get anymore money from me.  I'm not 'cheap'.   I donate what I can, when i can.  This is a matter of principle.  No person should need to donate money in order to gain access to the Democratic Party's web site.

Below is the first result when I 'googled' for "Pennsylvania Democratic party".  Have some fun.  Click on it and see for yourself.

Pennsylvania Democratic Party | Let's Make History Again

You visited this page on 1/24/17.

My plan is to find a way (the more ways the better) to contact individuals in the state Party apparatus
and discuss this with them.  I will still offer my services, because I believe that our current 
two Party system 
is not going to be supplanted any time soon and I believe that there is a better chance of working through 
issues of decency and morality in the Democratic party.  That being said, the PA Democratic Party needs to understand that if we're going to resolve some pressing issues, we need to be inclusive.  Forcing someone to make a donation, in order to gain access to the Party's web site is exclusionary.  

In order to gain control over our destiny, we the Democratic Party, need to work hard to gain the majority of seats in the State Legislatures.  We need to do this by 2020, because that is when the next census will be taken and then districts will be re-drawn by the Party holding the majority in the State legislatures.  This will not be an easy task in Pennsylvania.  

Pennsylvania has a well defined divide between urban and rural areas.  As uncomfortable as it may be, Democrats need to spend their time in the rural areas to attempt to sway voters.  I believe the best strategy will be to set up meetings with church groups and hammer away at their moral compass.  Our government currently has a self described Leninist whispering in the ear of trump, steve (goebbels) bannon.  bannon is vocaly endorsed by the kkk and the american nazi party.  The basic questions to these church groups is:

    - show them a nazi flag and ask if they are ok with it

    - show them a picture of a kkk member and ask them if they are ok with that

    - show them a picture of bannon and ask them if they know who it is a picture of

I doubt they will know who bannon is, so the next step is to tell the group who he is, quote him regarding his statements about Leninism and have quotes from the kkk, david duke and the american nazi party praising bannon.  Quotes from sources that these people may find more 'factual' like breitbart as well as from reputable news sources would be good.  Presenting all of this with a power point will work very nicely.  

Again, in order to gain control over our own destiny, we need to go to republican territories and work on moving votes to Democrats.  I hope to work on this with the PA Democratic Party. 

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