Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ironic James Comey

Yesterday, The Senate Intelligence Committee held a hearing to listen to testimony from heads of the intelligence community, with reference to the 'alleged' Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election process.  There is much that could be reported as a result of this hearing, but I'm going to zoom in on one particular exchange.

First, a brief back story, just prior to the exchange in question. Senator Ron Wyden from Oregon
questioned FBI Director James Comey about possible trump campaign ties to Russian officials. He asked Comey, "Has the FBI investigated these reported relationships?", to which Comey answered, "I would never comment on an open forum."

This is where we pick up our story.  Senator Angus King, from Maine, followed Wyden and asked the FBI director if he would say whether any investigations on Trump and Russia were underway. "We never confirm or deny a pending investigation," Comey replied. Senator King then noted that, "The irony of you making that statement I cannot avoid." Comey responded, "We sometimes think differently about closed investigations."

You have to be kidding me, right?  In October, the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email concerns was closed, and to that end Comey would be free to discuss particulars in "an open forum".  Here's the rub; the very moment that he re-opened that investigation, according to his claim, is the very moment that he should no longer have been able to "comment on [the] investigation ....... in an open forum".  I'm not here to suggest some kind of conspiracy theory (although I have to be honest, the thought has crossed my mind), but I will suggest a lack of logic & consistency theory.

So.......what does all of this mean.  Well, IF the FBI (or any other intelligence agency for that matter) IS investigating trump and possible connections to Russian officials, and IF they find evidence of such a connection, THEN that will clearly point to the need for a special prosecutor to further investigate and prosecute trump if the evidence gathered is compelling.  Evidence of what you may ask?  Evidence of treason!

Here's the big and real problem with this thought process.  After January 20th, trump will control the intelligence agencies.  Does anyone really think that trump is going to let any of the intelligence agencies investigate this possibility.........NOT!  So, what can be done about this?  In the next 10 days, we, the American people need to flood our representatives phones and email, demanding a special prosecutor be assigned, and quickly.  Call the White House, while President Obama is still in it, and urge that he urge Congress to assign a special prosecutor.

Below, please find links to lists containing Senators' phone numbers and members of the House's phone numbers:

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