Sunday, January 15, 2017

Special Prosecutor for trump

I have been clear in many posts that donald trump is already in a position where his conduct needs to be investigated for possible illegal activity.  If there is strong evidence of illegal activity, then trump needs to be impeached.

To that end, I have started a campaign on GoFundMe for the purpose of placing a large ad in The Washington Post, demanding that Congress assign an independent special prosecutor to investigate any and all possible illegal activities that trump may have been or may be involved in.  Below, please find the link to the GoFundMe site. 

Here are some logistical thoughts to consider.  If each one of us donates $10 towards this effort and passes the link on to all of our freinds & family along with all of our  Facebook friends, we can raise the funds needed from 500 people at $10 per person.  Having said that, I am sending this post out today, to get the ball rolling, but am not yet sure of the cost for a large ad in The Post.  Therefore the monetary  goal will most likely change.  If we do not raise the money needed to place the add in as large a page as I am shooting for, I will downsize, but not too small.  We want this to be visable.  I will try to place it in the Sunday edition, but if placing it in a daily edition will buy us the space we are looking for, then so be it.  If we do not raise enough funds to perform this task in any way, I will donate the money to the Non-Profit Group, ANSWER Coaltion (Act Now to Stop War & Racism).  ANSWER's link is below.

The sooner we can place this advertisement in The Washington Post, the sooner we can begin to bring pressure to bear. I am also proposing a letter writing campaign in conjunction with the advertisement being printed . The suggested list of legislators to write a hard copy letter to, and mailed using certified mail is Senate Majority Leader Mitchell McConnell Jr., Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, House of Representatives Majority Leader Paul Ryan, House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, your representative in The House and both of your state senators. Simply copying and pasting the letter that is printed in The Post, and signing your name to it would be fine. Any personal note that you would want to include may have more meaning to the legislators.

Lastly, I am including the proposed latter:

We the undersigned, have grave concerns that donald j. trump, having been elected to the office of President of the United States of America, may have committed illegal activities. These activities may require that articles of impeachment be brought against donald trump by the U.S. House of Representatives followed by a trial in the U.S. Senate to then remove him from office.

To this end, we the undersigned, demand that an independent special prosecutor be appointed to investigate any and all possible criminal activities involving donald j. trump.

With great sincerity as American citizens we are,

(A list of all that contribute to funding this campaign, unless you request that your name be omitted) 

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