Monday, January 30, 2017

A Letter to Warren Buffett

As per yesterday's post "Fractured Opposition".  I am posting the letter that I am sending to Mr. Buffett, below.  It will be sent as certified mail in order to indicate the gravity of the envelope's contents.

Dear Mr. Buffett,

First, I need to thank you for the email string that is currently being passed around the nation with the title "The BUFFETT Rule".  I was not aware of the lifetime salaries for the members of Congress that you listed.  Truly upsetting.

Our opposition to a Congress that serves their own self interests to the degree that our current representatives do, is fractured.  There are many dispirit groups of many political philosophies that are working to bring Congress under control.  These groups do not have the name recognition or the national scope to address this and other dysfunctional behaviors in our government effectively.

I am writing to you about these issues in what for me is a novel way of presenting my concerns.  Please note that this is not tongue in cheek, this is a serious proposal.  Also, please know that I am not a "nut case", or a "radical", I am simply a blade of grass in the American lawn.

1.) The 'acquisition' that I am proposing is nothing less then the decency and morality of our country.  I am not suggesting that these qualities can be bought or legislated, but rather influenced.  Currently, the decency and morals of many Americans is being manipulated in a way that is turning the American ideal into a nightmare.

2.) The business of The United States has clearly had the greatest ROI in human history.   I am  confident that returns will remain strong as long as the American people have a 'can do' mind set.  I believe that our collective state of mind is currently being eroded.  We, as a nation, need a rudder that is true to guide our ship.  Our current steering mechanism is far from being true.  You, Mr. Buffett may very well be that person.  Not as President of our country of course, we currently have one and the next election is four long years off.  Rather, as either a grass roots organizer or the person who makes a true investment in a powerful grass roots organization.  An organization that will wield serious resources; human, computer and monetary.  One that can bring together the dispirit groups that are all working inefficiently and ineffectively towards the same goal.

3.)America is a Nation that was built on equity.  I am referring to equity as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary; "justice according to natural law or right; specifically :  freedom from bias or favoritism"  as well as a financial definition, "a risk interest or ownership right in property".  Financially, America has an enormous amount of equity and also a considerable amount of debt.  With reference to "natural law or right", Our country was founded on this principle and it is what has made this country the greatest nation in history.  "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  Although these words are not law, they are the basis for our country's founding and have been a beacon to the world.  We currently run the great risk of turning off that light, of reneging on the deal, to be trumped if you will.

4.) The management is not currently in place for this 'venture'.  but i do see a path forward that would require minimal funding.  I would be honored to discuss my thoughts on an organizational structure with you or a representative of yours.

5.) This business couldn't be more simple.  Again, I would sincerely appreciate, in the true sense of that word, the opportunity to discuss how this work can be done.

6.) The offering price?  Well that depends on how you look at the proposition.  I see the offering price as the highest its ever been.  I believe our union has not been in this much peril since the Civil War.  We do not have states attempting to secede from the Union, but we do have an enormous schism in our culture.  This divide has been present and growing for decades, but this past election has brought the boil to the surface.  We must begin the process of healing.  Our current government, especially the administrative branch, but the highly partisan Congress also, is serving to keep the divide in place.  If you want to talk about the cost of running such an operation until the desired result is achieved, I could only give you a guess.  I do not have an estimate at this time, but will certainly be prepared to present an educated number if we should discuss this further.

In closing, I am not a high powered business person.  I am not a politician and have no desire to be one, therefore I can speak my mind freely and reasonably as I have no political capital to lose.  I do not have a lot of money, in fact I believe you would be very surprised to learn how little I have at sixty one years of age.  I am not proposing this venture to you in the hopes of making money.  I am, as I noted above, a blade of grass in the American lawn.  What I am, is concerned about the direction of our country and believe you are as well.  

I appreciate your staff's time, while reading this letter and hope that they bring it to your attention.  I am serious about what I have written above and believe that you can play a major role in healing the divide in our country.

Sincerely and with respect,

William R. Sherman

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