Friday, January 13, 2017

Pampers for trump on Youtube

Today, we're going to have some fun.  Let me start by prefacing my actions.  I believe that protest comes in many forms.  Comedy is one of those forms, as is evidenced by the great wits of Steven Colbert, Trevor Noah and Jon Stewart, to name just a few.  Now, I'm not suggesting that I have anywhere near the comic acumen of these guys, but I think I've got something here that's pretty darn funny (if I don't mind saying so myself).

 The thought came to me days after the election last November.  trump, using the only form of communication that he knows, tweeted that the protests that were taking place across the nation were "very unfair".

Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!
Immediately I was struck by how much of a 'cry baby' this guy was and is (not to mention an ass) ........ "very unfair" ...... waaaaaa.  It occurred to me that babies need Pampers to keep their crap from getting all over the place. And, because he will be new, I decided he needed some new born Pampers.  I decided right then and there that when it was close to inauguration day, I would send him some ........ Pampers that is.  I also thought it might be a good idea to share my fun protest.  I committed to myself that I would video the process of sending trump the Pampers, in an effort to get others to send him some as well.

Fast forward to a couple of days ago.  I took video clips with my phone and pieced them together.  The link below is the end product of my efforts.  It is not a smooth, well edited video.  It does not have great production values.  The sound level shifts during different sections, but I think it gets the point across.  Here's the link:

Now, here's the deal, I'm asking you to forward the link to friends.  Forward it to all of your Facebook friends.  Post it on your Facebook sites.  Ask all of your friends to forward it to their friends, and so on.  I think it could be a fun way for everyone to process their feelings and have a good laugh.  It helped me in both of those ways.  Enjoy!

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