Monday, January 16, 2017

A Tail of Two Men

He was the best of men, he was the worst of men.  Bettcha you know which one is which.

Throughout his public career, Barack Obama has been a gentleman at all times.  When faced with obvious racism as President, he chose to ignore it publicly.  If he felt or believed that the obtructionism he experienced was due to racism or not, he has never said, nor do I believe he ever will tell us what his private thoughts and feelings are on this subject.  Barack Obama doesn't make excuses.  He works with the hand that he is dealt and does so magnificently.  He does not belittle people.  He does not use foul language publicly.  In a political landscape that for decades has seen the minority party, at any given time, appoint special prosecutors to investigate a President's behavior in the hopes of filing articles of impeachment, Obama is squeaky clean.  When speaking publicly, President Obama has spoken from a wellspring of hope.  When he has needed to be tough on foreign policy issues, he has done so in an even handed and firm way.  During Obama's tenure as president there was never even a whisper of sexual impropriety.  Lastly, I will point out that President Obama's farewell speech was one of the most inspirational that I have heard in my life time and I have heard more than a few.

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on this day when we celebrate him, I looked to Dr. King for some inspiring words; some guidance on how to look at our current world.  I found these words:

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character"

So.......we've looked at one man's character, President Obama's, now let's now look at trump's.

This guy is an out and out liar, plain and simple.  Like the boy that cried wolf, even if he told the truth, I wouldn't believe him.  he mocks a disabled person for all to see (and all have seen it) and then when confronted with his behavior by Hillary Clinton, leans into the microphone and says "lie".  He clearly denied having done what everyone saw him do.  he refuses to release his tax returns for public review.  he refuses to divest his business interests in order to remove all possibility of conflicts of interest. he uses an 'end run' to avoid complying with the anti-nepotism law.  he settles the trump university law suit out of court (which he claims he never, never does) for a paltry $25 million.  Not trump change ........ chump change.  This guy communicates his foreign policy initiatives on Twitter.  Twitter for God's sake.  He begins his campaign for the Presidency by denigrating a whole nation's people.  he speaks disrespectfully to women, which make up more than half of the human race.  he disavows knowledge of the former head of the kkk, david duke, when records clearly show that he does know him.  he claims to not know what the agenda of the kkk is.  he hires steve bannon who is a self described Leninist.  Hell, bannon is vocally supported by the kkk and the american nazi party, and he is going to be 'whispering' in trump's ear as chief white house strategist.  His ties with Putin and Russia seem a little bit too cozy.  His choice for Secretary of State seems fishy, especially after tillerson needed a lecture from Senator Marco Rubio regarding Putin's war crimes.

This stuff was the lowest hanging fruit, but I'm sure that with just a teeny weeny bit more thought, I could continue.  I want to finish today's post with another quote from Dr. King.:

"Let no man pull you so low as to hate him"

Although trump is hateful, do not hurt yourself by hating him.  The person that is hurt the most by hate is the hater.  trump will never know that you or I hate him, nor would he care if he did.  Hate is a difficult emotion to bare.  It weighs us down.  It robs us of our energy, and now is when we need our energy the most.  We need all the energy we can muster in order to fight for our country, our Constitution, our freedom and ourselves.

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